
Jan 1, 2012

The Happiness Project

Happy New Year!

For people who know me well, it's probably not a huge surprise that I'm thrilled to start a new year.  Aside from the fact that 2011 was a very challenging year for my family and me, I've been longing for a fresh start.  The new year seems like the perfect time to work harder, aim higher, and do better.

Last fall I read a fun and inspiring book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  The author spent a year setting goals and trying new things in order to boost her personal happiness.  While I consider myself a reasonably happy person (and certainly I have many blessings that ought to inspire gratitude), I think that adopting a similar strategy could bless my life.  Gretchen's organized, thoughtful approach to goal-setting really appeals to my Type-A brain, so I'm going to give it a whirl.

During each month of 2012 I'll have a specific set of goals related to a theme in my life.  I haven't defined all of the details yet, but that will come in time.  My January theme is Improve Health.  This might seem pretty prosaic, but for the girl who has spent a year in state of poor health, it's a desperately needed resolution!  My current medication cocktail, which is intended to balance my hormones, mood, and energy, isn't yielding terrific results yet.  I am hoping that some efforts of my own might aid the cause.

My resolutions for the month include daily exercise (20 minutes to start), eliminating sweets and bedtime snacking, and eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day.  Sadly, these goals will require a significant change to my daily routine (dare I admit?), but hopefully after a month I'll have some solid habits that will pave the way to better health.  I definitely have some weight loss goals in mind, but the higher purpose is simply feeling better!  I'm ready to move beyond survival mode.

In February I will set new goals but still maintain my January efforts.  The project adds new resolutions each month, which should keep my momentum going throughout the year!  I'm really looking forward to this year of change and growth.


Adri said...

Hi Miss Heidi...I have a proposition for you, but maybe I'll make it via email instead...

Hope your 2012 is wonderful!

granny said...

Go you! I'm hoping to pull myself along that same road...

angiedunn said...

i'm so excited you are doing this! you inspire me and i can't wait to read about it each month!

Colleen said...

Sounds wonderful!

Grandma said...

You go girl! Good for you. I need to do the same. It's wonderful to make a fresh start. I feel the same way as you.

Melanie said...

If there was ever a girl who could get anything done, it would be you! I hope there is great success ahead for you and yours. It's pretty remarkable that you're all still standing, after the struggles of 2011!

pass it on!

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