
Jan 18, 2012

Classified Ads



Must be kind, temperate, patient, infinitely energetic
Drivers license required
FBI negotiation skills and/or advanced degree in child psychology desirable
Proven track record with ornery two-year-olds mandatory
May not exhibit fatigue, menopause, or flu-like symptoms (ever)

Job description:
Manage household with five children, including...
Cooking, cleaning, giving piano lessons, changing diapers
Managing schedules and transportation
Soothing, rocking, consoling, and encouraging children
Helping with homework and cub scouts
Daily laundry, dishes, ironing, shopping
Responsible for teaching manners, building character, and growing testimonies

No financial compensation
Healthcare benefits provided

Duration of employment:
Six months
Current mother checked into the loony bin with books and some chocolate


Heather Wade said...

You just made me smile today! Thanks!AND I just may join you in the loony bin and we can share some chocolates!

maynardmoments said...

Hope the books and the chocolate work. That job description is pretty amazing.

Colleen said...

Well, I'm out for that job, as two of my children who were sent to bed early tonight would not give me good references! Good luck. Isn't this the kind of ad that got Mary Poppins? :)

granny said...

The loony bin isn't all it is cracked up to be. Haha But how I wish I could be there to give you a book/chocolate break!

pass it on!

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