
Aug 15, 2011

I'm not excited or anything...

First day of school!  First day of school!  First day of school!

I can't believe it's finally here!  Even though summer passed in a much happier manner than I expected it would, I am very happy to be on the other side.  Whether they are willing to admit it or not, the boys needed a change of pace, too.  School arrived at just the right time.

Our morning routine didn't change much to accommodate the school schedule.  The kids are early risers, so Zach and Tyler arrived at the breakfast table mostly ready for the day at 6:45.  We met 15 minutes earlier than usual to allow for lunch-making and piano-practicing before school, but it was still pretty easy to get Garry and the boys out the door by 7:55.  We even had time for a few pictures.

Garry is the resident school chauffeur.  He drops the boys a few blocks from school (taking them across a major street between here and there) and they walk the rest of the way.  Next week, he will take Gavin to preschool after dropping off the boys and then continue on to work.  It's a great system for me!

I sure hope the first day of school is great for Tyler and Zach as they enter the third and fourth grades.  I think they are in for an amazing year!


Rosemary T said...

Isn't it still the middle of summer vacation?!? What happened to school starting after labor day? However, do I sense that today isn't a day too soon for the Bartle house :)

maynardmoments said...

The boys sure look excited! Glad your summer went better than expected.

The Wizzle said...

They look SO handsome! Wow. Third and fourth grade. How awesome.

Not having to be present at, and responsible for, school pickup and drop-off has been absolutely amazing this year! I'm so glad you get to have a similar system. It really makes a difference.

granny said...

Great pictures of Zach and Ty! Can't wait to see them!

Colleen said...

I was thinking of you on day one, I know you always love the school season! I am sure they are going to have great years too. It's so nice that Garry can get them all to school, especially once baby girl arrives!

Rob and Marseille said...

ok, now you can have the baby :)

Melanie said...

I can't believe how grown up Zach and Tyler look! What big boys, for such tender years. You made it! It was quite a lot of effort to make all the right arrangements for your boys. You're such a good mom!

angiedunn said...

they are darling! and i'm so happy for you! i have speedily developed a hardcore testimony that school is AMAZING! :)

pass it on!

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