
Aug 24, 2011

Capturing Kate

Before we left the hospital, I subjected Kate to her first photo shoot.
We started simple, mostly because she wasn't thrilled.
I totally love that the binky is practically as big as Kate's face.

Once she was content, I changed her clothes.
Lavender might be Kate's color, don't you think?

Here's a shot of Baby Kate on her way home from the hospital.

And one of her asleep in her bed for the first time.
{Note: she doesn't like it.}

I am one happy mama, and Kate is one sweet girl.
She is super content.
She has perfect skin.
Just today, she started waking up a bit,
offering periods of open-eyed wonder.
But sometimes, when she's half-asleep,
she gives the BEST two-dimpled grins.
Her days and nights are definitely mixed up.
She gets the hiccups fairly often,
but I don't recall her ever having them in utero.
My milk has arrived, and she's an amazing nurser.
The boys think she has tons of hair.

I just think she's fabulous.
Even in the middle of the night.


Shaina said...

Sigh. She is adorable.

Grandma said...

Oh, she's so adorable. She does look beautiful in lavender. So sweet! I wish I could cuddle her.

Johnson Family said...

o.k. lavender is DEFINITELY Kate's color!!!!!! She is sooo beautiful and she looks so old in her lavender outfit!!!
Are you feeling better now that Kate is on the outside??? I hope so!!
Love you and your adorable family.

Colleen said...

Lavender is definitely her color! She's beautiful! And I am so glad Gavin's first week was a success. Hooray for preschool!

Melanie said...

She is sooooo tiny! I'm overjoyed for all of you!

The Wizzle said...

DIMPLE! I spy! Left cheek!

She's such a doll. Lavender suits her very well indeed.

The Wheelers said...

Precious, just precious! So glad that little lady is here and well. Congratulations!

angiedunn said...

oh, i LOVE her. she's perfect beyond perfect beyond perfect.

Shannon said...

Oooh, what a beauty! She is simply gorgeous, Heidi. And, she looks a lot like your other kids!

Gabby said...

She is precious! Lavender is definitely her color! I'm a sucker for dimples and hers are too cute! Nice work you two! Lo

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lavender is her color. You both are fabulous :)

Emma said...

She does look great in lavender! Glad you are all home and enjoying your new little girl!

Jenelle said...

She is so tiny and perfect! I love how snuggled and little she is in the last picture. So precious!

pass it on!

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