
Oct 8, 2008


Life has been pretty...ah...interesting around here lately. Sometimes I can roll with it, and others, well, I crash into a brick wall. So in the spirit of counting my blessings, I want to send a special shout-out to four people who have improved my life immeasurably in the last few days.

To Garry, who has braved Wal-Mart, soccer nights by himself, and bedtime chores with a smile.

To Becky in Ohio, whose timely and lengthy phone call saved my sanity on Tuesday. Wish we could be neighbors.

To Colleen, who stayed after playgroup at my house today and washed every grimy thing in my kitchen sink.

To Kendra, who brought me Red Hots and Hot Tamales because she heard cinnamon candy can quash nausea.

These simple acts of kindness and service made me feel so loved, and have helped soothe rough days full of little boys who crash down bookshelves, bring home "red lights" from school, horrify their Primary teachers, cut their hair, refuse to wear shoes/nap/eat/do chores/behave, spit on strangers, hit friends, pull down shower curtains (and continue to shower), pee on the floor, and scream "MOM!" like it's a swear word.

Thank you, thank you, to my dear and wonderful friends.


Yin said...

Sorry about the difficult times. Thank goodness for friends! Does your nausea get better after the first trimester?

kendra said...

I hope those red hots and hot tamales at least had some sort of placebo effect... my friend really swears by the stuff and I've been dreaming about the day I can try it out for myself. Luckily, you've done some service for me: you can try it out and let me know because I am far from ready to go down that road again!

Anyway, I really hope this morning sickness lets up. Like you said at least you're pucking for a good reason. The time will go fast - if you say that your half way through this month and think about that Thanksgiving and Christmas will fly by then really, your half way there!

The Wizzle said...

Oh, I'm so glad you have people taking care of you. That last paragraph just makes me want to laugh (because it sounds like my afternoon), cry (because no one should have to go through that crap!) and give you a big hug.

granny said...

Can't wait to get there.

Colleen said...

Wouldn't it be nice if life could just pause while we feel nasty? I am so glad you have an awesome husband who doesn't bat an eye at doing all he can to let you rest! We love you Heidi, and are so glad you moved here!

Kristy E.B. said...

So I haven't read your blog for awhile and am so excited to see your exciting news!! I bet you are so excited! Gavin will have a close buddy! Hopefully you start feeling better soon!

Grandma said...

Hang in there Heidi! Thank goodness for others who help especially that awesome husband of yours.

pass it on!

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