Welcome to the world, little one
I'm pleased to announce the arrival of my sweet little niece, Iris Olivia Dixon. She arrived at 6:03 p.m. on Tuesday, September 23. Congratulations to David, Rachel, Devlin, and Eve, proud parents and siblings! Hooray for people who bring little girls into our family! I love babies.
Seeing a newborn always reminds me of my own little boys and their first days on earth. There's something magical about infants fresh from heaven. I can almost smell their sweet breath, feel their soft skin, and cuddle with their tiny little forms. I love babies.
Zachary Todd -- October 19, 2001
Tyler James -- February 13, 2004
Gavin Drew -- November 30, 2007
This reminiscing also reminds me of a little game that Gavin and I have started to play. The name: Cuddles. The object: To nuzzle and cuddle and kiss and squeeze. The mantra: I won't let go if you won't. We play as often as Gavin wants -- whenever and wherever. Sometimes he buries his face in my shoulder. Sometimes he throws his arms around my neck. Sometimes he curls up on my lap. I absolutely adore this cuddly phase. It's as if we both sense he's growing up too fast, and we'd better cherish these moments of together time before he runs off and doesn't come back.
I love babies.
me. too.
Congratulations to David and Rachel. Also thanks for the reminiscing and the photos. I love to look back and remember. Each and everyone is so precious!
Sweet baby Iris is wearing a cloth diaper with a Snappi fastener -- a fellow cloth-diapering mama! (I'm a geek to get excited about that, right?) Congratulations to the David and Rachel Dixon family! I'm looking forward to our own little bundle next month (ish).
I love that looking back it's so easy to see the features that will give them their own unique, signature look as they grown. It's WAY easier for me to tell my twins apart in their early photos now, than it was then.
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