{Cue Julie Andrews...again}

Beaches and mountains and tulips and daisies
Comfortable jeans due to treadmill running
These are some of Heidi's favorite things.
Home decor sewing, pianos, scrapbooking
Blogs, email, phone calls, and restaurant cooking
Conference messages in Fall and Spring
These are some of Heidi's favorite things.
Social events, airline travel 'cross miles
Surprises and secrets and kids' toothless smiles
Christmas and Easter and e'en Halloween
These are some of Heidi's favorite things.
When the kids fight,
When nothing's clean
When I miss the boys' Dad...
I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel so bad!

Three little boys who're the joys of his whole life
Short commutes, long movies, and of course, cheese
Are just some of Garry's favorite things.
Mountain Dew soda and the number seven
Sleeping in weekends and back rubs are heaven
Gadgets and gizmos and big TV screens
Are just some of Garry's favorite things.
Lord of the Rings online gaming and tied socks
Cinnamon rolls, comfy clothes, Taco Bell sauce
On road trips he does all of the driving
These are a few of G's favorite things.
When the server's down,
When flus come 'round,
When the kids are sad...
He simply remembers his favorite things,
And then he won't feel so bad!
LOL. You are amazing.
I think they should permanently change the words to that song to your family words instead. I mean let's face it, your favorite things are more realistic anyway. You make me giggle!
Thanks for getting me singing! You are amazing writing those to the music. Awesome!
Love reading your blog. I can always count on a laugh or smile out of it. Though I don't know how you find the time to be so creative :)
Very clever and right on!
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