That was only one of the happy insights I gained last evening.
As I listened to the messages delivered by leaders of the church, I felt uplifted and inspired. They spoke of hope and encouragement, of being better and doing more, of reaching out to others in order to improve ourselves. They urged all who listened to get involved in neighborhoods and communities, to make a difference in the church but also in our families and with our friends. They reminded us that we are partners with God in this life, and that He has imparted divine qualities to each of us. They spoke of our amazing individual worth and told us not to be so hard on ourselves.
The words of a Primary song kept running through my mind. "I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow Him in faith. I believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ. I'll honor His name. I'll do what is right; I'll follow His light; His truth I will proclaim!"
The meeting also stirred up my gratitude that I belong to a worldwide Relief Society, which declares, "We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction. As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar."
This knowledge -- about my personal identity, the spiritual foundation of my existence, and my obligation to share the gospel I know is true -- is one of my most cherished possessions. Today I want to share it with you.
Whether you belong to the LDS church or not, I invite you to watch or listen to the amazing General Relief Society Meeting. Its messages have value for women and families everywhere, in all walks of life. You will be uplifted and inspired by the Spirit of the Lord as you listen. It is well worth your time.
The broadcast options are listed here (at this particular moment, transcripts are not available). You can listen, watch online, or consult this TV schedule if you have DirecTV or Dish Network service. I sincerely hope you'll take the time to listen to these powerful messages. They are for all of us.
Thanks, Heidi, for your sweet, uplifting testimony!
Well said, my friend. Aren't we so blessed?
I really enjoyed the messages last night! I love general conference time!
I'm so grateful that I'm related to you, and that you so willingly and faithfully share your testimony. It was much needed for me today, and I love you for it. Thanks so much!
Oh, I really wanted to go to this! We're just not quite there yet, unfortunately. I'm glad it was god, I just had a feeling it would be. :)
Oops, Freudian slip there - that "god" should be "good"!
Amen, sister!
i loved the messages last night as well. a-mazing.
i espesch loved elder uchtdorf's words...so what i needed to hear last night. my day has been so uplifted by the things he spoke about. i've been going around my house today..."i CAN create a full dishwasher & clean kitchen." "i can create...fill in the blank." so inspiring!
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