As is customary when he wakes up in the morning, Gavin needed a fresh diaper. But the drawer that normally houses them was rather empty.

Much to my surprise, so was the supply box in the closet. How did that happen?

Diaper bag to the rescue. Unfortunately it won't get us through the weekend.

I had hoped for a very quiet, lazy day at home (ala yesterday), but apparently I need to run to the store...again. (I've already been to Costco, Target, and Wal-Mart this week.) What is wrong with my brain???
It's called mommy brain and it is the direct result of this wonderful, yet brain destryoing calling of ours! ;)
Oh I am so glad I caught a glimpse of this post because it jump started my brain into remembering that I needed to pick up some diapers as well! Thanks... and yes I think you have major mommy brain until the child is at least 2 and then it slowly starts to come back... at least I hope mine is gonna come back.
I really dislike those extra store runs after you've stocked up on your whole list all over town during the week.
But at least now you have shared the reason for the misfiring brain synapses on Oct 1st. ;0)
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