Our one-present-on-Christmas-Eve tradition was so fun. The kids were totally thrilled with their new jammies. Considering how much I shopped and how many pairs I returned, I was a happy mama when the moment of truth was met with giggles and whoops. Even Mom and Dad got new nightclothes.

With lasagna in our bellies (somehow this has become our annual Christmas Eve dinner), and new pajamas on our bodies, we watched A Christmas Carol on TV and went to bed! Santa's Workshop didn't officially close until about midnight. Mrs. Claus was pretty tired on Christmas morning, but at least the Littles slept through the night!
The kids were pretty anxious for their presents on Christmas morning. We managed to delay until just after 6:30...and then we let them loose! There wasn't much order to the chaos that followed -- just lots of fun! Each of the kids was quickly enamored with the one unwrapped gift that Santa left for them. Lexi and Gavin had especially priceless reactions.

The kids' dear grandparents and cousins spoiled them with generous and exciting gifts. From yummy Idaho Spuds to books, toys, games, and cash, the kids received so many fun things from our awesome relatives. When the big boys worked through their respective piles, they were happy to assist their younger siblings. The resulting pile of paper, ribbon, cardboard, and plastic packaging made for an impressive display -- and quite a deposit for the trash company! Nothing but smiles was left behind.

The rest of Christmas Day was wonderful for the kids. They played so well with each other and with their new things. One hit was the game Twister. It was hilarious to watch.

After reading a new book and taking a g.l.o.r.i.o.u.s Christmas nap, I spent the rest of the day working. Despite every effort to prepare ahead of time, there was still tons of housework and laundry to do in anticipation of Garry's family's arrival on Sunday. I also had to put finishing touches on a piano solo for Sacrament Meeting and a lesson for Gospel Principles class the next day. Happily, all of that work paid off, Sunday's responsibilities were successfully executed, and we welcomed Garry's family for a few days of fun.
On to the next Christmas adventure!
Looks so fun!
the pictures are great! :)
so, so fun.
ah! lexi's jammies are adorable!
such fun pictures!
merry christmas bartles!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds pretty much perfect, and I love the new pajamas everyone has!
I read "Gift From The Sea" recently, too. Someday, I will own it. It's that kind of book.
Heidi - Gift from the Sea is a book I have read every January beginning when I was 18 years old. It is one of my favorite books because each time I read it I pick up on different things depending on where I am in life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I (clearly) do.
Looks like tons of fun. Thanks for letting us share in some of it.
Lexi's Twister pose is my favorite!
Love Christmas Eve jammies so much. Merru Christmas Bartles!
This is ridiculous. But, besides all the fun memories and happiness in this post, the one thing I kept noticing was the wrapping paper. You always have such great wrapping paper. It makes gifts so much more fun to open! BTW, thank you so much for the Christmas gifts, I love baking and I love chocolate!
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