
Jul 11, 2010

Letters to the children

Dear Lexi,

Granny tells me you remind her a lot of me when I was a baby: tiny, determined, talkative, and ornery. I have heard a lot of stories during the last week about what a grumpy child I was, and that most of my discontent was derived from wanting to be bigger. Does that sound familiar? I wish I could figure out what you want and what you need, little girl!

I am so glad you have started sleeping through the night, even if the extra sleep is messing with nap time. Your affection for Betsy, your stuffed dog, is quite charming. You chew on her ear when you go to bed like it's a pacifier. I love that you have a lovey, even if she gets very dirty.




Dear Gavin,

Where do you get your energy? Do you siphon it from me when I sleep next to you at night? I am constantly amazed at how fast you run, how loud you talk, and how incessantly you break into the pantry. Wouldn't you like to quietly work a puzzle or read a book?

You have more personality in your little toe than I will ever have. I love your expressive way of speaking, although your high, squeaky voice, which is appearing with greater regularity these days, is a little shocking for the ears. You're just too excited for anything calm and sedate.

Thank you for reminding me that it's OK to slow down and cuddle at night, and that "love is all you need" at bedtime. I promise not to lock you in your room any more if you promise to, for crying out loud.




Dear Tyler,

How's it hangin'? I'm referring to that loose front tooth, of course. I suppose it's a rite of passage to have a tooth that dangles precariously/awkwardly for weeks on end. Let me know when you're ready for the floss-and-doorknob routine.

I'm glad we had a little chat the other night. I know it's hard to be the little brother who almost never wins at games of Speed or Mario Kart or Blink or UNO. But you have amazing talents, too, and one day you'll realize how special you are, in or out of Zachary's shadow.




Dear Zachary,

When did you get so tall? And old? I can't believe you're coming up on nine already. And third grade? Good grief.

As I think about the up-in-the-air status of our life, I worry most about you. I hope we land in a place that offers you a best friend, a good Cub Scout troop, and the perfect school environment. You have been to three schools in three years and done very well, but I am sorry for the instability in your life.

I love reading to you every night. The Lightning Thief is pretty awesome, isn't it? I can't wait to find out what happens to Percy and Grover tomorrow night.




Dan and Katie said...

Those are sweet letters. I am sure they will be a treasure for them when they get older. I am going to have to do that soon just so I can remember! I love that I get to steal ideas from you and your blog :)

Myrna Foster said...

I loved the part about siphoning your energy while you sleep. hehehe

And The Sea of Monsters is even better than The Lightning Thief.

Thanks for sharing your funny letters!

granny said...

Cute. What a sweet mommy.

maynardmoments said...

Those letters will be cherished forever. You have great kids and they have a great mommy.

Colleen said...

Sweet letters. Fantastic mommy. :)

pass it on!

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