Here is Tyler on his original birthday:

Tyler was a wonderful baby, a good sleeper, an infrequent pooper, and our earliest walker.
And at age 1:

That year we had a quiet celebration at home. Tyler had an ear infection and Zachary assumed ownership of all of his presents.
Age 2:

This was a fun birthday. Tyler got a scooter and rode it all around the house. He had a joint birthday party with his best little buddy, Isaac. The party had an animal theme. Tyler and I are on the right in the picture above.
Age 3:

We celebrated Tyler's third birthday a day early due to the arrival of our friend's special baby, Candace, on the 13th. I'm glad that Tyler shares his birthday with an angel, and that Garry and I got to meet her. Happy birthday, Candace!
Age 4:

When Tyler turned four, our house in Beaverton was on the market, but we still gave him a party at home. We canceled showings for the morning, had a rockin' space-themed extravaganza (complete with a spaceship crafted from cardboard boxes), cleaned up, and had an open house that afternoon. The house didn't sell for two more months.
Age 5:

Our family "rule" is that kids get birthday parties for even ages, but Tyler desperately needed Colorado friends when he turned five, so he got an extra party. It was pretty super...hero-ish. Tyler was quite {extremely} disappointed when he realized that turning five wasn't his ticket into kindergarten. Waiting six more months was torture.
And today -- age 6:
When Tyler woke up this morning, he declared, "I'm king for the day!"

Tyler opened his many presents at 7:00 a.m. His out-of-town relatives spoiled him silly, much to his delight. Then Garry fixed a huge, yummy breakfast of pancakes, bacon, hash browns, and orange juice. The big boys went to a Primary activity. Then, in the afternoon, Tyler had a birthday party with 10 of his closest friends. Stay tuned for pictures of that amazing event!
so cute....seriously....could he BE any cuter?????
happy 6 ty! we love your guts!
your present from us hasn't even shipped, but it'll be there soon! :)
That boy has always had his own look! What a cutie! And what a lucky boy to come to such a wonderful family. What a happy boy.
Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. He's a darling, sweet boy who we love to pieces!
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