Lexi is nine months old today. Wow! She has officially been outside my body as long as she was inside. I can't decide which time period felt longer.
We followed tradition and took some pictures with her little bunny. I put pigtails in her hair for the first time today. I never could understand why other moms would go for the insect look on their darling children, but I now realize that playing with baby girl hair is hard to resist! I'm glad that Lexi has a little bit to work with, and that she's reasonably tolerant of my inexperience. So, silly or not, Lexi will likely have many pigtails in her lifetime.
We followed tradition and took some pictures with her little bunny. I put pigtails in her hair for the first time today. I never could understand why other moms would go for the insect look on their darling children, but I now realize that playing with baby girl hair is hard to resist! I'm glad that Lexi has a little bit to work with, and that she's reasonably tolerant of my inexperience. So, silly or not, Lexi will likely have many pigtails in her lifetime.
Lexi is a fast-n-furious crawler and likes to stand up to whatever she can. She is definitely a girl on the move! I am pleased with her progress, but also quite happy that she won't be walking in two weeks like all of her brothers did! I hope she waits a while...
Lexi also adores nursing, and despite my efforts to begin the weaning process, she steadfastly refuses to give up a milky meal. She nurses every three hours around the clock. Just this week she has offered 6-8-hour stretches at night again (remember, she did sleep through the night from about 9-20 weeks old), which has restored a bit of my sanity. Lexi gave up the binky before Christmas and won't take a bottle anymore. Her message rings loud and clear: "Mommy, I want YOU and only you. I won't settle for anything less. Please treasure my infancy and don't make me grow up too fast." I'm finally listening.
Lexi is working on her first four top teeth, and her middle two on the bottom seem fully grown in. The teething process has been rough (with an ear infection and bronchiolitis thrown in), but with steady doses of painkillers, she is a much happier girl.
Lexi does an adorable twist-and-shake dance move that cracks me up. I have yet to get it on video, so I will attempt a description. She can rotate her abdomen without moving her head or her legs, and she can rotate her hips (thus swinging her legs) while holding her upper body still. The result is this crazy wiggly maneuver that appears when she is happy, excited, or really trying to get out of a diaper change.
Lexi has figured out how to remove her socks. She hates shoes. And because we are (apparently) cold freaks around here (with a winter thermostat set at 65), Lexi's feet are always cold. I decided the other day that I just need to invest in tights -- lots of them. She can't pull them off her feet, and the extra layer on her legs will add to her warmth. This won't be a great solution in the Arizona summer, but hey, the cold won't be an issue then!
Lexi babbles a lot -- much more than her brothers did at this stage. (I know I'm terrible to compare so much, but I can hardly help myself!) She says "mama," which I find completely charming. I know she doesn't attach that word to me yet, but I love it anyway!

When I downloaded this picture of Lexi, it immediately reminded me of one of my baby pictures. The resemblance between us isn't as strong as I had remembered (plus I was about six months older when this picture was taken), but I do think that Lexi inherited some of my features. The expression and pose is pretty similar, too!

I also adore this photo of Lexi and Gavin together. He is always a part of our monthly photo shoots, but I never post the Lexi-Gavin pictures. This one was too cute to resist. Lexi lights up when Gavin is in the room. Even though he frequently picks her up by the head, she adores him. They have such a great time splashing and laughing in the tub together. They are destined to be great friends.
do you know what's hilarious? i saw that picture of lexi & before i scrolled down....i thought of that picture of you! little twinners!!! she definitely inherited your happy eyes........iris has them too.
that last one...kills me. too cute.
I love her little piggies! It is so fun when their hair is long enough for that. As for the shoes, you can get those darling tights that look like shoes on the feet. I love those things!
OK, I thought every picture was cuter than the last...then I got to the last one and I DIED. Cutest thing I have ever seen, literally.
And I love the squinchy eyes! Iris definitely does have them too. It's becoming a family tradition. :)
Also, little girl hair finds its way into those insect pigtails because there is just NO WAY to make it look good at this stage! If she were a boy, you'd be cutting it so it would not be so ridiculous, but growing out little girl hair is not easy thing and I pretty much figure anything goes!
For the record, I like them. My kids love them too! They call them "ladybugs".
Oh Lexi, I need a hug!
What darling piggies! Lex and Gav are too cute for words. They couldn't be more precious! I miss them sooooooo much.
The last picture is a keeper for sure!! I think Lexi looks like you in that comparitive picture, but not because it's next to a picture of you, but because she looks like YOU in that picture.
She is beautiful! And doesn't pull out her pigtails, which I find especially impressive. :)
What cute kids! What a sweet Mama!
I love her little piggy-tails. Too cute. You did a great job on such a little wiggle worm and having been your first girl, you're already a pro. I can't believe how much she looks like you in that picture. The similarity is very evident. Happy 9 months Lexi!
P.S. Yes, I bought a nice snug slipcover for the ol' rockin' chair. Love it! Doesn't slide around, and I don't have to keep tucking it in. Thank you overstock.com =)
Oh what a cutie patootie! The piggies are a definite MUST. And I absolutely think she looks like you in the comparison picture. The blessing of two so close in age is the bond that they make, they are more than sibs, they are peers so I think it's easier to be friends!
Gavin looks like his mommy in your baby pic, but Lexi does too! Cute.
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