You'd never know it from this photo, but Lexi has been one sick little girl.
It's been a rough calendar year, health-wise. In the last six weeks, Lexi has weathered two ear infections, cut three teeth (with three more close to eruption), and endured the congestion and searing throat that come with bronchiolitis. Just today we got stronger antibiotics and pain-management ear drops for the second ear infection. The urgent care doctor who helped us over the phone last night also diagnosed tonsilitis in our sweet baby this morning.
No wonder Lexi hasn't been sleeping or eating or smiling.
We're very glad for insurance and antibiotics and Motrin. And especially for Lexi's terrific personality, which happily returned this afternoon.
Get well, little girl!
man, sorry Lexi!! My boys used to get ear infections all the time. And do you know what??? Tubes are the greatest thing in the world. Once they had those, they were hardly ever sick. it might be worth talking to your doctor about it for Lexi. Just a suggestion!
p.s. hopefully spring is right around the corner so the germs can be killed off by the heat!!
Good luck guys!!!
p.p.s. we will pray for Lexi tonight.
January and February are tough enough to face...but toss in a couple of little people with bad ears, and it's a challenge to survive! Hang on, Mom!
So, so sorry Lexi. I hope you feel better soon and your daddy too! Grandma loves you.
Oh, poor little thing! Hang in there! Heidi, you're my hero. seriously!
Oh Lexi. I hope you get feeling better!
Sick little ones are no fun. Poor girl (both of you). Hope things keep getting better.
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