This is our new couch. We got it for free from a lady who lives in our ward. She needed to get rid of it and we needed something to sit on upstairs, so the arrangement was perfect! I think it's funny that after ten years of marriage, three apartments, and two houses, we have just acquired our first hand-me-down piece of furniture. I'm sure glad to have it! Now...is anybody dying to get rid of a rug (or some curtains, or an end table, or a lamp....)?
We have an eagle lamp with a new, mis-matched shade, a dresser & a desk that need a new home. Maybe we can meet in the middle and swap our really old stuff for your gorgeous dining set. yeah, I didn't think you'd be interested.
We on the other hand are veteran, hand-me-down furniture users. 10 years and 4 used couches later...
Enjoy your new-to-you couch!
Hey, you look pretty good yourself, lady! I read on Angie's blog you lost 10 pounds, and I can totally see it. I hope Gavin sleeps all the way to Arizona, and we can't wait to see you guys!
What Lauriann failed to mention is that we have finally started BUYING furniture after 10 years of marriage, 3 states, 6 moves. Guess she figures now that I have my DSLR I don't need to buy any lenses for it.....
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