One of the hardest parts of living away from family is missing major life events like sending off a missionary. I'm so happy that we had the means and opportunity to be here for Ryan this week.
I mentioned Ryan's farewell address a few days ago, but the real farewell happened early this morning at Sky Harbor Airport. The entire family congregated in terminal three to see our brother/son/uncle off as he boarded a plane to Salt Lake City. We met at the airport at 6:00 a.m.

No one got too emotional until it was really time to say good-bye. Even though we know Ryan is doing the best thing he could possibly do for the next two years, we will still miss him terribly! I anticipated that my boys, especially, would be traumatized by his departure. Just driving away from Mesa usually incites a major meltdown from the eldest of my sons, so I couldn't imagine Zach's reaction when faced with a two-year Uncle Leave of Absence. Thankfully, prayers were answered and the final farewell wasn't as crushing as anticipated.

I'm so grateful for a brother who is worthy and willing to serve the Lord as a missionary. I smile whenever I think of another Elder Dixon at the MTC.

Good luck, Elder Dixon! We love you!!
Sniff, sniff. Isn't he great? I think we all did very well, considering.
What an exciting (and sad) moment. I love missionaries! It's great seeing them turn into real men!
oh ryan ;(
I'm so glad I came, and I'm glad I brought the kids. We love you, Ryan!
WOW!! I can't believe he's old enough to go on a mission!! I mean, I'm still 19 myself!!:) What an awesome example he is setting for your boys!! I love that about family!!
okay, i love him.
{miss him, and you.}
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