Today Garry and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. Ten years! Wow. Ten years ago we didn't quite picture the events of today when we thought about this momentous occasion. Garry started working at Wells Fargo today. I unpacked boxes with my mom and sister, had a visit with the Relief Society president of our new ward, set up a service call for our non-functional washing machine, introduced Gavin to rice cereal, and dealt with an extremely ornery and maladjusted six-year-old who yelled some rather hateful things from his brand-new and totally disorganized bedroom.
Not exactly the most romantic day in the world.
Garry and I tried to make up for that with dinner at a cute little Italian bistro in Palmer Lake (about 20 minutes from here). After swapping the day's war stories, we reminisced about our ten years together and all the funny twists and turns those years have brought us.
June 1998
Married in the Mesa, Arizona Temple. Moved to Logandale, Nevada for the summer. Garry worked at Nevada Power. I was unemployed. We lived with his parents.
June 1999
Lived with my family in Mesa, Arizona while Garry completed an internship with HSA, Inc. Lots of hot rides in a truck with no a/c. Food storage salesmanship failures for me (what was I thinking when I took that job???). Garry was accepted to the Marriott School of Business at BYU and I took two independent study classes.
June 2000
Lived in Wymount Terrace in Provo, Utah. Garry was a full-time student and Teacher's Assistant. He was accepted to the Master of Information Systems Management program that month. I had graduated a month before in Health Sciences and was an intern for the Utah Department of Health. We were pining away for a baby that wouldn't come.
June 2001
Still in Provo, still at Wymount...but not for long. I was five months pregnant with Zach and worked as an office manager for Wavetronix. Garry had declined an internship with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Denver because we needed the insurance from my job. My brother got married two days before our anniversary.
June 2002
Lived in Greenbrier at Tanasbourne apartments in Beaverton, Oregon. Garry started working for Research Data Design in Portland following the several months of unemployment that followed his graduation. I was a content mama to eight-month-old Zachary, enjoying the adventures of living in a new place. (Hmmm...sound familiar?)
June 2003
We had been Beaverton homeowners for nine months. Garry was still with RDD. Zach was 20 months old. I had just completed the Newport Marathon and couldn't figure out why I had been so sick during the race. Surprise! Tyler was on the way.
June 2004
We put air conditioning in the house on Tesoro Court. Bliss. Garry made a career move to Wells Fargo and got summoned to grand jury service during his first week on the job. I was pretty busy with crazy 2 1/2-year-old Zachary and 4-month-old Tyler.
June 2005
Life with two rambunctious boys was even crazier than the year before (at least according to The Bartle Bulletin...we had to look it up to remember)! Garry was still with Wells, we were still on Tesoro Ct. Life was good, but busy.
June 2006
Zach was 4 1/2, Tyler was 2. Life was way more about the kids than about us. Garry traveled at bit for Wells Fargo that month. I was pretty sick and didn't know why; a million tests later the official diagnosis was "stress."
June 2007
I was so morning sick (three months along with Gavin) that we were thrilled I kept my dinner down on our anniversary date. I still managed to teach 12 piano students a week. Garry was two months into a job change at Wells Fargo, but we were still loving life in Beaverton and our little house on Tesoro Court. We thought we'd grow old there. Zach graduated from preschool that month and Tyler couldn't wait to start in September.
June 2008
New house, new city, new state! Gavin is six months old. Tyler is four. Zachary is six and a half. Garry kept his job with Wells Fargo; I lost my piano students and can't decide whether to resume teaching. We've had a warm welcome into our neighborhood and ward, but the future is still uncertain.
I wonder what the next ten years will hold!
You always beat us to it by exactly a month. ha ha. Congratulations! Your recap reminds me of our anniversary book. Happy to hear you got some moments alone today!
10 years have been pretty eventful when you look back on it. It's amazing what the next ten years will be like. It will surprise you I'm sure. Have a great rest of the day.
Aw, happy anniversary! I should have done something like this for ours. It's amazing what 10 years can bring, and you just can't know ahead of time, which I suppose is all part of the fun. :)
What a fun recap of the last ten years! I wish you all the best in the next ten.
Yang and I celebrate our ten year anniversary this December. Isn't it crazy how quickly time passes?
Good luck with unpacking!
Aw, happy anny, kids! Great recap.
And...that's an extremely cute picture of you guys. I love both of your outfits!
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