Maybe it's odd to blog about doors, but I'm just so excited about them!
For three weeks we've lived with nary a door on a basement room, but that phase is officially behind us. No longer will we have to announce our need for bathroom privacy or worry that a precariously-leaning piece of wood will fall down and flatten a child. Doors are hung 'round the door frames with care...and I'm giddy with glee.
The door project spawned a host of other little fix-its, like hanging the boys' bedroom blinds, installing a support brace on a closet shelf, securing our ghetto garage step, and cleaning up miscellaneous tools and screws that have cluttered the basement since The Great Painting Project began.
Earlier this week we cleaned out the window wells. This lovely project involved removing a gopher carcass, various food wrappers, water balloons, and yard debris, plus smoothing out the hills and valleys created by another gopher. Other efforts included purging office files (I whittled four boxes down to one and a half), hanging stuff on walls downstairs, cleaning out a junk drawer, fixing the jogging stroller, and, for the first time, vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning bathrooms. I feel like a giant pencil in my brain is making check marks and it's very satisfying.
I am always very impressed at your ability to get stuff done. I wish I were more like you. I get overwhelmed too easily, and then I give up.
Your doors look fantastic! That hall looks awesome now. You are amazing.
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