I always feel good at the end of a Saturday when my muscles ache from exertion and I can see the fruits of my labors. Today it was satisfying to throw some effort in the yard instead of the house.
We purchased a play structure online this week (hooray!) and it will be delivered between July 10 and July15. That means we only have a couple of weeks to clear a spot for it, so we dove into the project today. This project is actually a bunch of interdependent projects.
This is the future home of the play structure. The bricks around the gardens (on the left and right) are going to the front of the house to create a raised bed by the porch. The playhouse needs to disappear, hopefully via Craigslist customers. The pavers around the play house are going on the opposite side of the yard to make a little patio under the tree.
I spent a lot of time weeding this garden plot. The boys helped a little, too.
We purchased a play structure online this week (hooray!) and it will be delivered between July 10 and July15. That means we only have a couple of weeks to clear a spot for it, so we dove into the project today. This project is actually a bunch of interdependent projects.

Today I also took a break and signed up the big boys for fall soccer. We coordinated with a few new friends so we might be able to be on the same teams. Garry assembled our new wheelbarrow and made a trip to Home Depot this afternoon, too.
A couple came over this morning to purchase and haul away the dog house that was inside the dog run. That proved to be a bear of a project all by itself. The dog house was massive and heavy and awkward. It took four adults and a wheelbarrow to maneuver that thing out of our backyard and into their trailer. The good news is that the same couple really wants the playhouse, too, and they might have the means to haul it away. We're crossing our fingers!
Oh, and that bishopric member I mentioned? He came over at 3:00 to extend me a church calling. Any guesses? For the fourth time, I've been called as the pianist for the Primary (the children's organization). I guess I'll be participating in the Children's Sacrament Meeting Program as the pianist in Colorado Springs rather than the chorister in Beaverton. Anyway, when he came over and saw how much yard work we were doing, he offered to come back and help out a little later. We took him up on his offer! What a nice guy.
And so ends another eventful Saturday at the Bartle house. I'm going to iron our church clothes and then sack out on the couch!
Well, primary pianist just might be the best job in the church. Go Heidi. Your yard is changing so much already! You guys sure know how to work. Wish I was there to help. Everything looks fabulous. It made me itch to dig in the dirt up there. Can't wait to see all the fun stuff go up.
We are so happy that you now have a yard to have these kinds of experiences in! Although it does make me tired just reading about all the work you did today.
However, we did a bunch, too. If my pedometer and The Daily Plate are accurate, my calorie count today was -99.
That is a good, productive Saturday! I'm guessing, since you didn't mention it, that the heat is not a factor. Must be nice! The thought of trying to garden here right now is equally laughable and gag-inducing.
My houseplants are happy though!
So exciting to see someone making progress in their yard. We are still up to our knees in weeds. Yours looks great! That will be so fun for the boys (and all their friends). Oh, enjoy your calling. I have decided that is the best one to have. You already know all the songs and therefore don't need to prep. Nice. I was sorely disappointed to see that our ward had a plethora of pianists.
Want to come work in my yard when you are finished? I am thinking of removing flowers/bushes and adding rock. My motto is simplify :)
Just reading your blog makes me tired.
I love to work in the yard. I can't wait to see the play structure. I know the boys will love it. We really had a busy Saturday ourselves. Tomorrow will be equally as busy. I've torn my storage room completely apart. I'm discarding, taking inventory of our food storage and organizing. It was long overdue but WHAT A JOB!!!!!
I agree - it's great to feel like you have accomplished a few goals at the end of a Saturday. However, my goals typically aren't nearly as ambitious, and I don't have any kids. Way to go!!
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