
Mar 17, 2011

Out of the closet(s)

My closets are a good indicator of my mental health. If they are clean and organized, then usually, so is my brain. The reverse is also true. I take it as a good sign that I've been itching for both my brain and my closets to wake up and shake out. What possessed me to actually attack the closets this week is still a mystery. I was just frustrated one afternoon and took it out on the spices.

However, after a few days of labor (the kind of labor that is appropriate at this juncture), this particular project is finished. There is something so soothing about straight rows of boxes and bottles, neat stacks of towels, and labeled plastic bins. I love knowing how many expired, unused, broken, or unnecessary items I purged in the process (and I'm totally ignoring how embarrassed I was that I let it all accumulate). I didn't take any "before" pictures, so probably only Garry, my mom, and I will appreciate the drastic transformations.

The pantry:

The new spice cabinet (former home of

The corner cabinet (formerly referred to as The Black Hole):

The cabinet above the dishwasher (up next: a child safety latch):

The linen closet (My mom would laugh whenever I told her something belonged in there. "Really? There's room for that?"):

Just for the record, I felt like an old lady at the end of my re-organizing days. It really was a bad idea to attempt this just as I am returning to a normal existence.

I have plans for two more closets, but I won't tackle those until we decide it's time to convert our fifth bedroom from office to nursery. And of course that can't happen until we know gender....and my sad body recovers from this week's activities.

But until then I can dream, right?


Lars said...

Beautiful work! Get a nice big rest now.

Jill said...

They all look great! I like the tidy closet=tidy brain correlation you made. I'm constantly fighting messy closets/cabinets. I'm also constantly fighting to hold on to my sanity. It's all starting to make sense now...

Shaina said...

Ah. Cleaning...purging..reorganizing. It makes you feel so great to see it! Your closets/cupboards look great!

Melanie said...

Well, it is spring after all! Glad you're well enough to find clutter annoying! That's progress!

Lindsey L said...

Holy moly those closets look great. Way to go Heidi! I noticed you have a Bissel Little Green, isn't that the best invention ever? I love mine.

Have a great day!

Shannon said...

I love taking things out on my spices/cupboards/closets/garage. I do my best cleaning when I'm really mad. I get everything done that I put off when I'm in a normal state of mind. It's great!

kendra said...

the less cluttered my house is the less cluttered my brain is. Your brain must be doing pretty well!

The Wizzle said...

I am SO happy for you and all your beautiful closets! This is a very good sign. I'm sorry it was such a big project and you don't feel well, but I know how much satisfaction it must be giving you!

(Also, are you guys just not going to have an office anymore, then?)

pass it on!

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