Granny made waffles for breakfast. Everyone devoured them. Lexi ate more than I did. The kids haven't had a hot breakfast in a long time. We are still eating on paper plates, but plastic forks can cut waffles pretty easily!
Lexi sported a new outfit, courtesy of the Target clearance rack, which I perused with my own two hands the other day. Shopping! What a novelty. I love her new duds.

Gavin looks like he has a shiner. He started complaining about his eye the other day, and then a stye developed. I've never seen one this bad. It looks so painful, but he only mentions it when someone in the family comments. He was thrilled to pose for the camera in his favorite hat. Not pictured: the charming red rain boots that go with every outfit.

Garry administered kitchen haircuts, bless his heart.

The Littles and I went on a walk around the block. We only made it half-way, using the gate in our back fence to short-cut our way home. Maybe we need to vary our route. The quick trip around the block seems to be losing its charm.

Granny cleaned and did laundry all the livelong day. Her service is endless.
We all (all! even I!) went to lunch at Cici's Pizza, a lunch buffet. While sitting at the table with everyone, I was actually moved to tears. My beautiful, healthy children were so pleasant on our outing. My handsome husband cheerfully balanced a wiggly toddler as he ate and engaged in animated conversation. My mom tended to my every need. It just hit me that I have the perfect life. Really. It's perfect.
After lunch, while small people and a tired mama rested, Garry started the latest home improvement project: installing a new bathroom fan. This required cutting a bigger hole in the ceiling, lots of fishing in the attic, new electrical wiring, a couple trips to Home Depot, and many hours. Then, at the moment of truth, the beautiful new fixture wouldn't turn on. Poor guy. He'll figure it out.

Lexi woke up prematurely and Granny rocked her in the living room. They both fell asleep. I'm sad that my picture of the precious pose was dark and blurry. It was a tender sight.
I couldn't sleep because I have caught a terrible cold, and my constant coughing and sneezing makes drifting off into dreamland rather difficult. But every time I sat up in bed to catch my breath, I chanted to myself: I don't have a fever. I don't have an IV. I'm not in the hospital. My PICC line is gone! I can handle a cold.
Zach removed the Silly Bandz that have been constricting his wrist. The Bandz actually wounded him. He'll wait for the sore to heal before wearing them again. Apparently he is suffering for his art. He was mad that Garry wouldn't cut his hair into a Mowhawk today. This kid wants to express himself!

After naps, everyone but Garry (who was laboring in the attic) retired to the basement to watch Megamind. I didn't like the movie (at all), but it was fun to spend time with the kids. We had cold cereal for dinner. Once Gavin and Lexi went to bed (and after Granny vacuumed the entire house), Garry, the boys, and Granny all sat down to play Harry Potter Clue. It's entertaining to listen to them. Tyler's most recent guess: Potions classroom, vanishing cabinet, and Peter Pettigrew. Ha!
And so it is, at the end of this regular day, that I'm grateful. It was a good day. I have so many blessings. And I am so, so, glad to do normal, everyday things. Life is good.
Oh no! I swear I've been staying indoors as much as possible. It sounds like you have what I have. This cold is driving me nuts. Glad you were able to have a nice regular day in spite of! p.s. Lexi is such a doll!
Oh! This makes me so, so happy to read! What a lovely, normal day. And out to a buffet?! Could you even have imagined a week or two ago that it would be possible ever again? I'm so thrilled for you.
And since I still haven't sent your package, what kind of treats do you desire? What's your favorite spot to grab a meal or dessert? What's your favorite candy/chocolate? Give me some ideas. You need to be spoiled and enjoy normalcy to the fullest.
Speaking of, I'm about to pull some honey whole wheat cinnamon swirl bread out of the oven. Wish you were my neighbor. :)
I am supposed to know/learn how to cut my kid's hair? because I really don't trust myself to do that...
'Twas a lovely day.
I am so happy that you are returning to a measure of normalcy!
So glad things are getting better. You do have a lot of blessings for sure. You are a blessed girl.
It is so good to be able to appreciate a normal, mundane, nothing-special day! I'm sorry we stole your mama back. :)
Normal, mundane days are some of my favorites. I'm so glad you are upgrading to normal. And I was elated to read about the not throwing up for a week!
It's always nice when we can stop and appreciate the simple things in life.
So great to see you at church on Sunday Heidi. Thanks for the recommendations on Dr. Bianco and Tony Clement, you're a networking guru!
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