
Mar 13, 2011

The magical world of letters

Over the last few weeks, Gavin has opened his eyes to the magical world of the letters. Practicing with him is something simple I can do from the couch, and I have been completely amazed at how quickly he has caught on. Not only is he rapidly learning to identify letters (both upper- and lower-case) but he is associating sounds with the letters, too. This path of discovery has been delightful to watch. It's an experience I want to remember.

Some of his recent letter-prompted exclamations include:

M! That's for Mommy-Heidi!

H! That's for Heidi-Mommy! And hugs!

G! That's for me and Garry-Daddy and grapes!

U! That's for BYU!

Gavin: That's an i!
Heidi: Actually, that's an exclamation point. It is there to show excitement.
Gavin: I am excited! There's an F!

Upon seeing an S, he said, "That's a ssssssssssssssssssssss."

Gavin also realized that the letters of our last name are displayed on the living room wall as part of a picture collage. Now he can spell his last name. The same day he discovered that our house numbers appear above the garage outside, so he suddenly knows our address. I'm already wondering if this kid is going to be our earliest reader.

Maybe I don't have to stress about preschool after all.


The Gentile Family said...

sounds just like a day of preschool at our home. You are homeschooling and didn't even know it! LOL! Great job you've got a smart one.

The Wizzle said...

Hooray for kids who practically teach themselves! He sounds like his brain works as hard as his body. He's going to be a smart one!

Jill said...

Smart boy! My kids have been slow readers so far. It's been a little frustrating at times (I majored in English at BYU) but today my 6 year old brought me a book that he wanted to read to me and read it nearly flawlessly. It was a very happy mom moment.

Grandma said...

Way to go Gavin! That's an exciting world to enter:) I guess staying down wasn't all bad.

Unknown said...

Hooray for Gavin. Although he should remember U is for U of U. Maybe you could correct him on that one. :) he he. Glad things are looking up. :)

granny said...

Crushed that G wasn't for Granny.
Just kidding.
I worked on letters with him too...he is amazing.

Colleen said...

Gavin is such a smartie!

Heidi said...

All your kids are so smart!!!

Melanie said...

That articulate boy!

pass it on!

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