The day included shades of my former life: Pearl of Great Price study group, a visit to the lab for a blood draw, three square meals (plus snacks), a nap, talking to a neighbor, laundry, and playing outside with my kids in the beautiful Springtime weather. That last bit made me the happiest, of course.

Baby 5 will reach 16 weeks gestation on Monday. I seem to have bottomed out, weight-wise, and my belly is suddenly growing. My thrush is improving, as is the wicked cold. The nausea is still ever-present, but slowly abating, perhaps due to the new antacid in my medicine cabinet. I am still receiving lots of help from our ward Relief Society. I am grateful for the service. Our Spring Break begins at the end of next week, and I need to be more functional by then!
Go Heidi! Progress is good!
That sounds pretty awesome to me! And short sleeves and shorts, look at you guys!
I'm do glad things are progressing. That is great. I love those kinds of days. I had one like that today. It was productive and peaceful. The weather was great here too.
Yay! I'm glad you are getting back to a better normal.
Heidi, I just can't tell you how much I LOVE your blog!!! It is just soooo real!!! And so close to my life it isn't even funny! I am so inspired by all your posts!
p.s. I have some Valium if you really need some.. he he he
What a blessing! I am so happy you are getting there and the light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter!
Coming back to normal life. Three cheers! I hope you can continue to move forward! Still marveling at the miracle of your improved health.
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