Last week Garry received an award at work for his amazing contribution to the quarter-end reporting process. A co-worker, Susyn Normington, nominated him for the honor. He was recognized for the following contributions: enabling profitable targeted growth; integrating the Home Equity organization, and driving responsible lending and servicing.
The nomination letter submitted by Susyn reads:
Garry's value as a team member was really noticed during the recent quarter-end process. Due to the June system conversion, Garry's workload, during this already demanding time, significantly increased this quarter as he had to now balance both East and WEst data. True to his character, Garry stepped up and was able to complete all the requirements without any issues or compromise on quality. Garry's dedication is also apparent on his work with AVMs. Several quarters ago he proactively researched new software and developed an impressive reporting package that continues to be the standard for the Investor REporting Supplemental Analysis. His work has been shared within and even outisde of Home Equity, prompting other teams to improve their processes as well. Garry's deep knowledge of Home Equity data and impressive technical abilities continue to be a strong asset to the team. He also faces every challenge with a positive, committed attitude that gives consisten confidence the task will be done correctly and on time. I greatly enjoy working with Garry and want to thank him for all his help and his continued dedication to our team. Thank you!
Garry received a certificate for being chosen as a Q3 Impact! Recognition winner that was signed by Kevin Moss, the head of Home Equity. He also received a monetary gift towards a purchase at a specific vendor site.
I'm so happy that Garry's co-workers recognize his value on their team. Garry and I are especially grateful for his employment this week, since Wells Fargo had unannounced layoffs and Garry's job was spared. We are truly blessed!
Nice brag letter! It's not often people are affirmed for their hard work and effort. So, kudos to you both!
Blessings, blessings, blessings! You are awesome Garry!
Oh this is wonderful! It is so nice when that hard work is noticed and duly noted! Garry, you are awesome!
What a nice letter! You are such a dedicated employee. I know you've worked soooooooo hard lately at work. I'm glad they recognize it as well as your mother. You also look pretty sharp. So glad you still have a job. Congrats!
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