Lexi is extremely verbal for her age. She says things like "happy birfday," "sipshis" (scriptures), "pikshuh" (picture), "puzzo" (puzzle), "dwink milk Mommy," "Daddy work," family names, body parts and clothing pieces, all kinds of food names, and lots more. I love her chatter and her ability to communicate with me. Being able to talk with a toddler is a new experience in this household!
Lexi might be a singer one of these days. She enjoys any rendition of "Old MacDonald" and chimes in for "e-i-e-i-o" and the occasional animal sound. She LOVES music and dancing. It is fun to watch her participate in the family portion of Tyler's music class. Too bad a music class of her own is too expensive! She would love it.

Lexi got a haircut last week (sorry, no pictures!). Since the time her bald spot started growing hair again, she has had two layers of hair in the back. The discrepancy has been bothering me for a long time, and I knew that eventually I'd have to even it out. Last week I took a deep breath and trimmed it up. I'm thrilled! Even though I miss the length, Lexi's hair is much fuller in back and even curls under naturally. Lexi tolerates pigtails of some sort on most days -- just not today.
Lexi cut her first eye tooth (on the top left) today and the other one on top should follow any day. The eye teeth brought with them two nasty ear infections last week (thankfully, her first since April), and I'm not sure that the antibiotics are working. I will be glad when Lexi's little body takes a break from teething so her happy personality can return.

Lexi loves to look at books, but doesn't enjoy when I read to her. She loves babies and cuddly things, especially her ragged stuffed doggie, Betsy. She likes to ride around in our Little Tikes car and a dump truck that is just her size. Although she asks to watch shows with her TV-obsessed brother, she won't sit for one. Her favorite place to play is the bathroom sink, with the faucets on full-blast. A runner-up is the pantry (pictured above). She can scale the shelves and open the plastic bins with her favorite snacks. As you can see, she isn't happy when I declare the pantry off-limits and lock it.
Lexi is enamored with shoes....at least the idea of shoes. She takes them off anywhere and everywhere. We have lost a couple of her shoes in random places because I don't always notice when she removes them. She seems to enjoy the new boots I picked up for her last week. I like them because they can keep her feet warm without socks. I thought the high boot might be more difficult to remove...but I was sadly disappointed on that point. Oh, well!

Lexi and Gavin both have check-ups in two weeks. I will post their physical stats when I have them!
love the boots!
And love how Gavin always has a grin on his face :)
She is too cute! And she's getting so big! Crazy!
Girl after my own heart...Hanging out over the heat register.
When toddlers learn to talk, the heavens open! I love being able to talk to my kids!!
And A to the MEN on the boots that don't require socks. Simplified my entire life, that did.
18 months? Where did that 18 months go???? She is so like her mom.
This post made me crazy lonesome for you and your cute family. Crazy lonesome! Pretty cute little Lexi. Such a big personality for such a tiny frame!
Officially in nursery! Yeah. She is so cute. Love the boots.
There is one picture that shows your wall and your front door. For some reason it put me right back into your house from some shower or party or meeting, or something. Good times.
Love those boots. They are so cute! Lexi is a doll. I'm so happy you're getting to experience a girl. Can't believe how big she's getting. It's hard to admit they're not our babies anymore, but definitely toddlers. =(
Lexi is so cute! Wow, she's growing so fast. 1 1/2 already. I love her boots. Gavin's definitely a cutie too.
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