For the second time in a month, I have mastitis, a lovely little infection
that resembles the flu but has other painful features.
I'm certain that it is a stress response,
and that the current flare-up was brought on by my recent exercise kick.
I have plenty of feelings about that, but other things are on my mind at the moment.
that resembles the flu but has other painful features.
I'm certain that it is a stress response,
and that the current flare-up was brought on by my recent exercise kick.
I have plenty of feelings about that, but other things are on my mind at the moment.
The best way to get rid of mastitis is to rest.
You know - sleep, relax on the couch, take in a movie, sip chicken broth, etc.
The best way to not rest is to have a child named Gavin,
or, more specifically,
MY child named Gavin.
This boy is adorable for sure, and does plenty of things every day to make me laugh. But when my health is compromised, I'm not quite so cheerful.
I find it more difficult to tolerate his antics.
But here's one thing I'm currently laughing about.
The boy who did this

and this
Sorry you're under the weather! But you've got to love a man who knows how to clean up after himself. Good Job Gavin! And I hope you feel better soon Heidi.
Tsk tsk Gavin! Dude, I could just squeeze you through the screen, though. Take care of your mommy!
Mastitis is the absolute WORST! And like you said, it is usually after having a baby, and there is no rest to be found. You have double duty.
I have had it so many times, along with some other severe problems,and I am not able to nurse, and was told I am not able to nurse, because of these things. I am best friends/not so best friends with the pump.
I hope it ends soon my friend. I feel for ya! Hopefully we will still see you tonight. Let's get some serious girl time in!
I have felt your pain, my friend! That is absolutely the worst! I shudder to remember. :) Hang in there!
mastitis is he-double hockey sticks.
take care sister.....
*send gavin on a plane to me....i want to kiss his cheeks.
I am totally cracking up. I love the transcriptions of Gavin's conversations. And I hope you're feeling better now!
So nice of Gavin to help clean up. I hope you get feeling better soon. It's no fun to be sick, esp when you have little ones to take care of. Sending you good health vibes.
Laughing. With you, not at you, of course!
And, the eggs on the floor remind me of the time I got out of the shower with the joyful squeals of a 3-year-old and 18-month-old floating up the stairs. Upon investigation, the source of this rapture was a fun game called "Throw All the Eggs INTO the Open Refrigerator." Yes. It was lovely.
This will make a good story for a talk. Sometimes we are like Gavin. We get ourselves in a big mess and we think we can clean it up ourselves. In reality, we need the Savior's atonement to help us clean up and make everything right again.
I tried to comment the night you wrote this but for some reason I couldn't get it to come up. Anyway, I'm so sorry you're under the weather. I wish I could help you out. Get feeling better soon. Gavin, Gavin, you're the cutest little messer boy on the planet.
Oh, Heidi, I'm so sorry! Just keep telling yourself "This too shall pass." It's my new mantra - although I've never had a child who makes messes like that. He'll be an artist someday!
My sympathies on the mastitis. Hot washrags also help.
My sympathies with the cute little boy messes.
Only the calvary (aka. Dad) on a white horse...with a washrag can rescue that.
Hold on. This too shall pass??
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