
Nov 26, 2009

The feast

This year I felt very grateful to spend Thanksgiving with friends. For about a month I've been feeling especially homesick for Mesa and Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in Dixon family traditions that I love. Having guests for dinner (and feasting on some of my mom's classic recipes) made me feel less lonely!

I was so wrapped up in food preparation that I forgot to take the pictures I had planned on, and I ran out of time and didn't set the gorgeous table I had planned. But the fun guests and yummy food made up for the lack.

Tyler, Sam, Matt, Karlie, Gavin, Garry

Bob, Melanie, Mike, Zach

Melanie and me

A greeting from Gavin

I hope you and yours enjoyed a delightful Thanksgiving, too!


joeyship said...

I was making a comment to Dylan as I was setting a very plain table today. I was lamenting the fact that I'm just not good at decorating, nor centerpieces. I'm just not like most women. He looked at me and said: "You know what centerpieces are for, don't you?" I asked him what. He said: "For getting in the way." Made me feel better immediately.

The Wizzle said...

Joanne, tell Dylan David and I both got a good laugh out of that one! Getting in the way, indeed.

Heidi, it looks like you guys had fun. And your mom's recipes are definitely like a hefty helping of "home", aren't they? It took me years to learn to like turkey dressing but now I can't be without it!

granny said...

thanks for sharing the pictures! I'm glad you could be with friends. We missed you though. And we had plenty of food for you. Plenty.

Carroll Conversations said...

I am so behind on reading your blog. I have been banning myself from the computer until my Christmas projects for my sister's family are complete. I now have 179 new postings to someday catch up on =). However, I have missed your news, so I allowed myself a quick peek in on you. I just have to say how nice it is to put a face with a name for Melanie. I also have to say that I actually think she looks like she could be a true-blood sister of yours. You have some similar characteristics. Anyway, I'll finish my peek and get back to my sewing. I miss you!

pass it on!

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