Our littlest boy is delightful, charming, articulate, affectionate, and coordinated. He loves toy cars and books and puzzles and the great outdoors. He tries to help in every possible way, and even at his tender age, he can identify emotions and look out for others.

"I do it."
"I help me."
"Self. Self. Self."
"Gavin help self."
"Gavin help me."
"Gavin do it."
Get the picture?
I actually really love that he likes to do things on his own. He can put on and take off his clothing, get himself a drink, wash his hands, find snacks, fasten buckles, and get in his car seat. The trouble comes when he employs his abilities in scaling kitchen drawers like a ladder, climbing on the bathroom sink, wriggling out of the car seat and stroller, spilling water all over the kitchen floor, dumping sugar in the corners of the pantry, and trying to carry Lexi around. He is a man on a mission. Very few things impede his progress when he has fixed his mind on a goal. This is a quality that should come in handy as an adult!

When he saw this picture of Russell, his beloved stuffed bear, he said, "Russell! Aw....Russell bwoken. Give Russell hug." He is right -- Russell's arms and head are coming off. Fixing the bear buddy is on my list today.
Gavin is not-so-gently reminding me that he'd rather his mother not be sitting at the computer desk. Now he's trying to spin my chair. Now he's perched behind me, his arms wrapped around my neck, chanting "Get down, get down!" The two-year-old really rules the house.
"Self. Self. Self."
This is cracking me up this morning! Ah, the joys indeed of a very independent, stubborn toddler. This is reminding me how difficult Eve was at that age! She's grown into her self quite a bit now (a statement that is almost certain to jinx any progress we might be making) but it's SO HARD when they're that age!
Since I've never been through this stage as a parent, all I can see are the adorable pictures and funny phrases he says. What a cute kid!
Oh Gavin, Gavin, how cute and adorable you are. I love you so much. You are the sweetest boy ever. I love your hugs and kisses.
Oh, I love this age...in a frazzled sort of way. That's why I think nursery would be my perfect calling. I could borrow other people's toddlers for two hours a week, but not have to have one ripping apart my house. Every. Day.
Glad you can see the charming humor amid the craziness!
That boy has officially stolen my heart.
I love his sayings, very cute! He sounds a lot like Grant, except Grant can't talk yet!
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