Our Christmas was quite lovely, especially given its ugly predecessor, Christmas Eve. Here are a few snapshots from our morning.
The holiday dawned bright and early (dark and early?) for us; the boys gave us the wake-up call at 6:00 a.m.
Santa was good to us (even the naughty boys...). He brought a pogo stick for Zach, an electric guitar for Tyler, and a Little People farm for Gavin. The tree bottom was full of presents from dear grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins from far away.
One of Zach's favorite presents: a paper airplane instruction manual from Tyler. Also note the track pants from Granny & Gramps on top of his pajamas.
Tyler was delighted with his guitar. Santa forgot batteries (oops!) but he had other spoils to keep him busy that day....

Another favorite: a space shuttle with astronauts and aliens.

Looks like you had a great Christmas and a great time in NV. What a great present to get a whole night and day away just the two of you.
I hope you recovered from the chaos of the boys today.
I love your decorations! Maybe one day I'll have a full-size tree and a mantle on which to hang stockings.
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