
Mar 10, 2010

Gavin steals the show

This morning I attended Tyler's kindergarten Spring concert. Gavin, Lexi, and I arrived just as the show began. We made our way to the back of the gym, the stroller rolling over the toes of the parents who were already crowding the side aisle, their video cameras ready to capture the music teacher's welcome speech. Although the prompt person in me regretted arriving so late, the mother in me knew it was a wise choice. I had to maximize Gavin's behavior potential by requiring his attention only for the feature presentation.

The performance lasted 30 minutes. Gavin was engaged in the attractions on stage for about 30 seconds. I attempted to record snippets of Tyler's animated singing and enthusiastic movements (which were completely adorable), but as you'll see below, the camera work is horrible. Gavin was a man on the move, and I spent most of my time distracting and refocusing and chasing. The principal and assistant principal were both within five feet of us, trying to hide their amusement.

As it turned out, Gavin made me laugh the entire time. He LOVED the music. He was dancing and grooving the whole time. He was thrilled to see Tyler on stage, and tried repeatedly to get his attention. Keeping up with his energetic activity was pretty tricky, but I found myself training the camera on him, rather than on Tyler.

One of the early numbers was "Uno, Dos, Tres - One, Two, Three." I loved seeing how Tyler knew every word and action. He is on the top row in a gray shirt.

Gavin loved "If You're Happy and You Know It." He tried to play along. I was cracking up as I realized that he was trying to tap his kicking.

This clip shows Gavin's dancing. Maybe only his mama will find this entertaining!

At the end of the concert, Tyler came to the back to greet his fans. He had waved to us a few times from the stage, but clearly wanted to give us all big hugs. At dinner tonight he said the prayer before we ate, and he expressed thanks that I was able to attend his performance. I think it meant a lot to him that I was there -- which made the effort so worthwhile!


Johnson Family said...

I loved seeing all the videos, it made me feel like I was right the outragiously noisy auditorium right next to you! He he
Your a great mom to make time for such adventures!!!

Grandma said...

No, grandma was entertained as well. Ty and Gavin were adorable. Wish I could have been there to see it live but thanks for filming it for us that are too far away to enjoy in person.

granny said...

Oh so cute!

Colleen said...

As if the show needed more entertainment! Tyler and his classmates did a great job! And Gavin is just so funny! Next time, let me take those kiddos for you...after the stomach flu leaves our house of course. :)

pass it on!

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