
Jun 23, 2009

Making it work

Lexi is five weeks old, and I have to say --
I thought my pants would fit better by now.

I also thought we'd have some semblance of order around here,
instead of perpetual randomnicity.

I also thought my ride on the hormonal roller coaster would be over.

Looks like I'm 0 for 3.

Since it's clear that my expectations were a bit optimistic,
and since I have four pairs of too-small-capris that would be nice to wear,
and since exercise makes me happy,
and since the morning weather is lovely,
and since my sister is an inspiration,
and since I have a double jogging stroller,
and since I don't really have anything better to do,

yesterday I inaugurated an exercise routine.

It is a group effort
(read the details here).

I've decided I have to throw out my notion that good exercise must be
a solitary effort or completed in the company of adult friends.
Or happen at a continuous fast pace.
Or be measured in miles or minutes.

While I have some fabulous memories associated with those elements of exercise,
and while I dearly miss the social aspects of walking or running with friends
(oh, how I long for you, Beaverton friends!),
my life can't handle any of that stuff right now.

But who's to say that the kids and I won't make some fun memories
-- and get great exercise --
while traversing the path together?

This morning, for instance, I laughed out loud at our little procession.
(We certainly garnered a few curious stares from passersby.)
Tyler, with his cracked helmet, scooter-sans-brake,
and socks pulled up practically to his knees,
weaved on and off the walking path like a drunken beetle.
Zachary bent over his rattletrap scooter,
intent onbreaking the land speed record.
Gavin pointed out dogs and cars and adjusted the sunshade every two minutes.
Lexi, bless her pink heart, slept.
And I attempted to jog, which, by itself, was a sight to see.

So once again, I'm feeling motivated.
Once again, I'm publicly declaring that I'm on the warpath against my waistline.
Once again, far more than fashion is at stake
-- my mental health is quite possibly on the line --
and exercise is very good therapy for me.

Last night I read a most excellent BYU devotional called
"Selective Attitudes and the Happy Life."
Check it out. It's worth a read.

It helped me realize that I need to make the most of what I've got.
I can choose to be happy in spite of {blank}.
And I can exercise with my children.

The end.


LittleG said...

Go you!

The Wizzle said...

God bless you! I've also had to let go of the "meditative", solitary aspect of exercise. But if you have a routine, they really do get used to it (you know, mostly) and you get used to tuning them out, as much as possible. I hope in a week or two you guys are into a groove and you're all feeling better.

granny said...

Can't wait to read the article, but I already know I like it! Haha...keep it up and enjoy the journey. That's what life is made of....randomnicity. And it is good.

Vicki said...

Heidi, I totally understand where you're coming from! Seems like I have to deal with all the same things every time we have another baby! Good Luck!

Amanda said...

Way to go getting out! That's something I'm looking forward to in a few months. I hope your capris fit in no time!

The Hadley Family said...

You are AMAZING Heidi! I love your "make it happen" attitude. :)

juliespahr said...

Let me just say.... You have the cutest family!! So fun to see!! And I'm also talking about the Dixon clan!!! I love reading Angie's blog's Just as much as I enjoy reading yours! Your momma did a lot of thigs right!!!:) Angie N shape is an inspiration and in 7 Months or so, I'll be joining those efforts to be a better me!!!:)

my4suns2 said...

Thanks for sharing that devotional. It's something I really needed to read. I'm feeling your pain right now...and trying to make the best of it!

pass it on!

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