- Spent a few frenetic days at work preparing high-profile, custom reports for upper-level managers
- Presented his work on Thursday and got rave reviews
- Worked out every night with Wii Fit (check out our Wii Family below)
- Set up some new lamps in our previously cavernous master bedroom (let there be light!)
- Signed up to be a co-coach for Tyler's soccer team

- Took inventory of big boys' fall clothing and did school clothes shopping
- Bought school supplies for Zach
- Finished registering Tyler for preschool (what a process!)
- Started Gavin's first-year scrapbook
- Thanks to angieinshape.blogspot.com, The Daily Plate, Wii Fit, extended family inspiration, and Garry's recent efforts, finally hit pre-Gavin numbers on the scale (next goal: pre-Zachary numbers...)
- Wondered what on earth to do with the constantly messy Lazy Susan in our kitchen (thoughts, anyone???)
- Ironed a million zillion clothes
- Enjoyed several days of cool, rainy weather (so much like Beaverton...)

- Started writing in a journal after our FHE lesson on journals
- Enjoyed picnics at the park and in the fort on our play structure
- Got very excited for first grade and soccer practice
- Requested and received a short and spiky hair cut
- Completed tasks on his job chart with very little complaint or external motivation
- Used Wii Fit almost every day
- "Borrowed" Mom's camera one morning and took some very interesting photos

- Was hilarious during an air hockey tournament one day; he beat Mom because she was laughing so hard at his manic behavior
- Zoomed through a bike ride one blustery, stormy afternoon
- Diligently completed several writing consequences
- Enjoyed nightly installments of James and the Giant Peach before bed
- Got very excited about starting preschool next week
- Was content with a single new outfit for school (the box of hand-me-downs is more than adequate this year)

- Made lots of progress on the sleeping front; going to sleep is much easier but we're still working on duration
- Screamed hysterically through his hair cut (it still turned out pretty cute)
- Started enjoying having stories read to him
- Adopted the Incrediblock as his favorite toy
- Sustained several bumps and bruises related to cruising and attempting to stand solo

Lots of action at your house! Sounds like a fabulous week.
cute pictures heidi!!
don't ya just love wii fit?!?!! thanks for reminding me...i'm going to do that tonight too! :)
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