Those of you following Gavin's sleeping saga will appreciate this update.

Gavin has slept through the night -- from 7:30 p.m. to 6:15 a.m. at the very least -- for four nights in a row. And the last two days, he has taken a long afternoon nap -- 1 1/2 to 2 hours -- and that has made a huge difference in our life! He is so much happier throughout the day and especially in the late afternoon. I can't believe the change!
Crying still happens before the morning nap, and the nap is still less than an hour in length, but that's so much easier to deal with when there's the promise of a decent afternoon nap and a solid night's rest.
Another side effect is that Gavin is only nursing morning, noon, and night, which puts us one step closer to weaning around his birthday (in about 3 1/2 months). Gavin's all about the table food these days (he especially loves bagels, noodles, bananas, carrots, and cantaloupe), so I'm optimistic about that transition.

Alright, that's it you've inspired me, Aiden's going on a sleeping program.
Did you end up doing anything else outside of the crying it out?
Wahoooooooooooooo!! Happy dance! Celebrate!
Awesome news. I'm sorry I didn't have any suggestions. You were already trying everything I've ever tried. This is so great! And yeah, watching Michael Phelps is so worth the voluntary sleep deprivation. :0)
Ohhh, I'm so happy for you! Give Gavin a high five from Granny. I think we all have the Phelps dark circles around the eyes...
Congratulations! He looks so much happier and you sound it. I'm so happy for you all.
Hooray! That is so great! Happy mommy and happy boy!
And I love your wedding photo! So beautiful! Don't we both look so young?! I guess that's the way you look when you get married at 20!
Yippee! It's awful when the hungries and the tireds crash and such a relief when they learn to co-exist harmoniously again. May this be the first of many, many good sleeps. (After the Olympics...)
Okay are my thoughts.
You are the stinking cutest thing ever. And I'm thrilled you are sleeping for your mom. Fer real. This is huge...keep it up, yo! Oh, and did I mention you are positively adorable?
Happy Sleeper!
Yippee!! I'm so happy for you! Believe me I know how you feel. It makes such a difference to have sleep. Cute picture of Gavin - he looks a lot like Gary in the bottom picture.
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