(1) Gavin split his lip during some rough play with his brothers on Saturday afternoon. We contemplated stitches for a time, but visions of Gavin strapped to a papoose board turned my stomach. We decided to watch and wait, since the injury didn't seem too serious. Here's the progression over three days. I think we made the right choice!

(2) It has been pretty chilly outside! Gone are the quick runs in stocking feet to grab something from the garage. Shoes and a coat are required! Even Zachary deigns to don a light jacket when venturing out. That means COLD!

(3) Gavin joined the Sunbeam class on Sunday with a grin and a wave. He was completely thrilled to be there, and Lexi happily attended her nursery class. Garry and I have entered a new phase of church attendance. We can hardly comprehend the miracle.

(4) Zach and Tyler would be content to spend 24 hours a day in the manner shown below. "Zoned out" is their favorite mode. School-day screen-time rules will come back soon!

(5) Lexi is bulking up today before her pre-surgery fast tonight. She is also refusing pants. At least she is compliant with a diaper today.

(6) Gavin just greeted me with this conversation:
Gavin: I'm going outside now.
Heidi: No, you're not.
Gavin: I'm sorry but I have to go outside. (Puts on jacket.)
Heidi: Why? It's cold!
Gavin: Because I want to and you said I couldn't so now I have to.
Heidi: (Laughing.)
Gavin: Can you zip me up?

(7) Tyler is taking seriously our family challenge to read the Book of Mormon every day. His reading position cracks me up, but maybe he internalizes the doctrine better that way.

(8) This fabulous treadmill is getting a serious workout today! Doesn't it look tired already?

you have the pillow that mom & i were drooling over at target yesterday!!!! i can't wait til that goes on sale, i'm all over it for my couch! [hope you don't mind]
what a fun post. sorry gav man, glad you're healing! i'm so glad that church will be a little easier. and everything else was pure adorable too. i'm going to try reading my scrips like tyler.
I'm definitely jealous that you're still on break. I would have loved a few extra less-structured days.
Starting around Lexi's age, my second daughter would NOT wear pants. I gave in and got her LOTS of skirts. She's 4 now and still prefers skirts to pants. Even in the winter. (I do require her to wear tights or leggings underneath during the winter, though.)
Love the tidbits. Sounds like you are having a nice, relaxing break. The conversation with Gavin is a crack up! What a kid.
Tyler, you crack me up.
Gavin, you crack me up.
Heidi, you crack me up.
The pictures are fabulous! Gavin has so many expressions and stories he will never run out in his lifetime. Loved this post! I hope Lexi does ok in surgery, I know that's never fun for anyone.
Your older boys and mine would have a great time zoning out together...it's their favorite thing to do too! Glad sunbeams went well for Gavin! :)
I'm laughing at Gavin, "you said I couldn't and now I have to." Typical child. Looks like a great vacation.
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