
The boys and I picked up Grandma from the airport in the morning. We played at Washington Park near the zoo for about an hour. Grandma was especially enamored w


We all woke up in the wee hours to make our 7:30 flight to Colorado. Three sleepy boys accompanied the grown-ups to the airport, and then Grandma navigated all the way home with the aid of a GPS device. Not bad, considering the route crossed five freeways and 30 miles! The day was pretty busy in Beaverton. Zachary had a ball game at 9:00 a.m. He did well at first base, although once when he missed catching a ball, he dove to first anyway, hoping that the move would still make an out. After the game the boys went to a Primary activity, then home for lunch, and then bowling!

Grandma took the boys to church, of course. While the boys were in Primary, she went to Relief Society. A woman investigating the church was touched by a comment Grandma made during the lesson and said Grandma's words helped her realize the gospel was true and she wanted to be baptized! Amazing! We'll definitely have to follow up on that investigator and attend her baptism when it happens.

Zachary had a three-day school week while Grandma visited, so she got to see Zach's classroom a couple of times every day. While Zach was off learning, Tyler and Grandma puttered at home and ran errands. On this day she bought supplies for some art projects. The boys LOVE the construction paper, smelly markers, and giant coloring book! Grandma gave a Family Home Evening lesson on how to bear a testimony of the gospel. She explained the steps and then had the boys share their feelings about the church. It sounded like a wonderful lesson! Their activity was making "welcome home" signs for Mom and Dad and Mother's Day cards for me. What sweeties! For dessert they had ice cream with chocolate pudding sauce. Apparently it's the dessert of the year.

Zachary went to school again. Grandma spent the morning playing with Tyler. They were super silly and played some games. That afternoon, she took the boys to Rood Bridge Park, their favorite outdoor destination. They took scooters and helmets and spent three hours there! Zach and Tyler enjoyed the play structure for a long time, but also roamed all of the paths around the park. They even followed some paths we had never explored and were delighted to discover some new things.

The morning started early at Pump-it-Up, Jr. While the boys romped on all the inflatables, Grandma struck up a conversation with Melissa, one of Heidi's friends who happened to be there with her daughters. After Pump-it-Up,

Zach had school on Thursday, so Ty ran errands with Grandma. They went to Costco and Fred Meyer and even got the van's oil changed! Grandma bought us four lawn chairs since all of ours broke last summer -- and so we'd have something to sit on during baseball games. Zach had another game that night and apparently it was absolutely freezing!

In preparation for our return, Grandma cleaned the house, washed laundry, and even scrubbed bathrooms. Then she went outside and vacuumed our filthy van.While she engaged in that two-hour project, she turned the boys onto a project of their own: blasting chalk "graffiti" off a brick wall with their water guns. They filled some big buckets with water so they could refill their guns easily and then went to town. What fun! Later they picked up Garry, Gavin, and I from the airport. While we rested, unpacked, and got settled, Grandma enjoyed Gavin some more and fixed dinner.

I left early for the half marathon, and Grandma stayed behind with Garry and four boys (including little Jackson Lyman, my running partner's 15-month-old). It was quite a feat getting four little ones fed and ready at the same time! The whole crowd met us


Grandma spent as much time as she could with the boys during her last morning here. We also exchanged Mother's Day gifts and I discovered I had wrapped up the wrong thing for her and inadvertently given her present to Aunt Heidi for her birthday last week! I felt like a Class A Dweeb for the mix-up, but Grandma and Heidi were both gracious about my faux pas.
Garry and the boys drove Grandma to the airport while I started working on this little [big] post. Good-byes were hard all around, but at least we can look forward to another visit from Grandma at our new house next month! We are so grateful for all she did for our little family this week and hope that someday we can repay her generosity.
It was loads of fun! Thanks for allowing me this wonderful opportunity to be with my precious boys. They are a blast! I look forward to many more times together.
Well isn't it a great tech world we live in. What a great Gramma! andI was able to read all about your adventures with your darling little boys. I was impressed with all you were able to do with them besides the regular everyday things that were done. Good job! I check out your garden as I drive by each day or so. Looks like it is doing well. We didn't do one this year and my garden patch looks horrendous. We will try to do a winter one. I have a few tomatoes, peppers and herbs in pots on the patio. Come see us. Love you as always neighbor.
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