Zach enjoyed showing us many of the projects he has worked on throughout the year. He shared a reading journal, a poem collection, a measurement book, several art projects, a various other reading and writing samples. We celebrated Zach's achievements together and especially enjoyed his version of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," which he told using a sock puppet and construction paper foods.

After we visited his classroom, Zach walked us down the hall to show us more of his artwork and the science fair displays created by his friends. Then he ran off to join his class for their little performance. We had debated about making Zach participate in another experience on stage, but Zach was surprisingly eager to perform the Three Piggy Rap with his peers. We were so glad to see him enjoying himself on stage! It was definitely worth missing the first 20 minutes of his baseball game to have such a positive performance experience, even if it was a little silly! We are so proud of our little kindergartener and all he has accomplished this year.
GO ZACH! You are SO awesome! Miss you bunches!
♥, Aunt Ang
I love kindergarten stuff. :)
Awesome Zach! I wish I could have been there in person. You made me chuckle and chuckle. You've got quite the moves!
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