When we're "home" at the Harvey's house, Gavin gets to play on the floor. Jacob, Josh, and Brookelyn love tickling Gavin under the chin, trying to make him laugh, and helping him roll over. Gavin is pretty good at self-entertaining as well. He is enjoying tummy time more and more. He has become so strong! No more heavy-head floundering for this guy! Gavin likes playing with little toys that inevitably end up in his mouth. When he's on his back, he can also scoot all over the room. He digs his heels into the carpet, pushes off, and propels himself head-first. This is all fun and good until he hits a wall or a couch leg.
As much fun as we've had this week, we look forward to getting home and reuniting our family tomorrow. The big boys have had quite an adventurous week with their tireless Grandma Bartle and probably haven't missed us a bit!
Makes me excited to have a little baby again! (Don't remind me about the hard parts...)
I just want to hold/play with/hug that kid. Move to Colorado, already. haha.
What an adorable, pleasant little guy. He's so laid back and happy. What a blessing to have him be so easy and happy. I love his grins!
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