
Nov 28, 2013

Cell phone stories: Thanksgiving edition

It's Thanksgiving, and among a thousand other things, I am grateful for the gift of free time.  Today I am going to catch up in this one small area of my life.  Here we go.

I am thankful for Kate's leash.  It makes waiting for 45 minutes at the JoAnn cut counter (Christmas projects!) a little more bearable.

I am thankful for paint, and for a helper who thinks that covering sharpie and dings and scratches and dirty spots all over the house is a fun Saturday job.  And also for a husband who patches dings and holes and scratches all over the house so I can paint them.

I am grateful for patience and creative discipline.  Lately Zach has refused to get in the van if he can't sit where he wants.  When he refused a ride home from school after being denied the front seat, he made a scene and then walked all the way home (about 1.2 miles).  The natural consequence for this recurring behavior is that Zach gets to walk where he wants to go, including school, for two weeks.  This was fine and good on the first day, but we woke up to snow on the second day.  Never has it been so hard to enforce a consequence.  It was 17 degrees and windy.  Rough morning for everyone!  Apparently walking to school didn't scar Zach for life, because he walked home from church--by choice--in the same weather two days later.  On a related note: I am thankful for friends who will listen to me and help me develop patience and creative discipline.

I am grateful for better days, too.  On this night I took Zach out for a haircut (I paid), shopping (he paid--he had birthday money to burn), and dinner (I paid).  He spent a lot of money on clothes for himself.  I am thankful that I spent more on Qdoba nachos than I did on my scores at the Salvation Army: a shirt, a sweater, and a skirt for $6.99.

I am thankful for the online tutorial that is going to help me finish my reupholstering project.  I am also thankful for the website that is mailing me upholstery fabric samples.  They are purple. 

I am grateful for Lexi's awesome preschool teacher and fun little class.  She is so happy at school.  I loved her little Fall Feast and program last week.

I am grateful for Lexi's darling ballet teacher.  Last week Lexi was in a major funk when we arrived at class, so I planned to wait with her on the couch until she was ready to dance.  Miss Amy invited Kate, who always wears a purple tutu on ballet days, to participate in class.  I think it was the best hour of Kate's life. Lexi danced for the last five minutes of class.

I am grateful for my church callings, past and present.  On Sunday I was released from being the Beehive adviser. While I love (love!) my girls and fellow leaders, I have known for awhile that a change was coming. I am now the Primary secretary, which offers a good change of pace.  I am looking forward to something more behind-the-scenes and administrative.  The presidency I joined is made up of three awesome ladies and I'm excited to work with them.  I feel like I have moved to another planet, though.  The Young Women already seem so far away, and I haven't missed a Sunday yet!  These are my notes from my first meeting with Sandi, the president.  My to-do list is a mile long, but I am chipping away at it.  I kind of love spreadsheets...

I am grateful for YMCA basketball.  I love the way Gavin's confidence on the court is growing.  Kids his age are so cute and innocent.  Small things are huge victories, so they are fun to watch.  Zach's team hasn't had much success, but he is learning his strengths.  Zach's coach keeps putting him in the low post position because he's so tall, but he's a much better point guard.

I am grateful for good behavior in grocery stores, even when it comes as a result of a bribe.

I am grateful for the simple pleasures that children enjoy.  Playing outside on a snow-delay school morning was so exciting for these two little monkeys.  Snow!  Hooray!  It really is beautiful.  I am thankful for warm clothing and a furnace and hot chocolate.

I am thankful for my van.  I am also thankful for good mechanics and enough money to patch up my van after I skidded on the ice and slammed it into a curb.  Being without a vehicle large enough for our family for four days was rough!  I am thankful for Mindy for helping me pick up the van from one mechanic to the other. And for her willingness to text about random things at all hours of the day.

I am thankful that Kate naps most days, even though she destroys her room on days that she doesn't nap.

I am thankful for the temple, and for the sweet experience we had there on Tuesday, when Zachary did baptisms for the dead for the first time.  I figure if we can be in the temple together, then our family is doing well enough.

I am thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, not only because I get to eat these delicious rolls and the two homemade pies in my fridge, but because I am blessed in countless ways and I'm grateful for a day to celebrate them.

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