
Dec 2, 2012

A letter to my blog readers

Dear blog readers (I imagine there are a few of you out there),

I have become one of those mothers who can't find time to blog.  How did this happen? It's like my favorite thing ever...oh, wait...I never do my favorite things any more.  But I am better with dishes and laundry and plucking my eyebrows (occasionally).  Something has to fall through the cracks besides painted toenails and that crayon I kicked under the couch last week.

It's really quite tragic that I haven't blogged lately, because I have all these great ideas:

*Basketball season

*Girls & Dolls

*Giving Brooke a major hair makeover

*Scheduling my own hair appointment for Tuesday, which feels like a great sacrifice, because I wanted my hair cut and colored at least three weeks ago, but maybe this doesn't deserve its own post

*Gavin's birthday (he's five!)

*A catalog of my Facebook statusi (is that the plural of status? or did I make that up?), which are mostly ridiculous, and therefore a representation of my real life

*Musings over the appropriateness of feeling guilty that I did not take my children to the Creche Exhibit

*My large-ish assignment for the Creche Exhibit

*A hilarious wardrobe malfunction story with a tragic ending

*Pink cowgirl boots

*Clean bathrooms vs. fingernail polish

*The Walmart Santa Claus

*Family photos in 30-degree weather

*My darling Christmas tree skirt, homemade stockings, and a pretty red star

*An editorial on holiday gift-giving and my recent epiphany regarding my standard holiday Grinchiness

See?  Wouldn't that be interesting reading?  Sometimes I think I have a word quota per day, and if I don't get my words out somehow, my head will explode.  Since I rarely interact with real live adult humans, that's probably why I like blogging so much.  As it turns out, there's been more brain matter ricocheting off the walls than typing at the computer lately.

So perhaps, when I collect the little bits of my scattered brain, and when I feel like downloading photos, and when I am content to ignore the kitchen and/or my pillow, I will blog again.  Feel free to leave a comment and encourage me because let's get real: y'all are what make this blogging thing really fun, and lately, I just haven't been feeling the love.

(Did you notice how I can dish the guilt as much as I take it?  Yeah, I'm awesome like that.)

Forever yours,



steph said...

I want the Christmas tree skirt and stocking post! I'm currently making my skirt which I love and I'd love to see yours. I also need ideas on stockings...I need (want) new ones and would love to make them.
And who doesn't love bathroom vs fingernail polish stories...I have some on my bathroom floor, been there for probably a year when the then 2 yr old liked to paint HIS nails. I'm not sure I've even bothered to try and get it off...any secrets on how to?

Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the first!

True story: I got a new laptop a few months ago, when my old one croaked. I never got my blog roll thing set up all nice and tidy in my email, so it notified me when new posts were up, and I pretty much stopped reading all blogs (and writing my own). It was a nice break in some ways, but I miss some things about it too.

So that's why I haven;t been commenting. Not on yours, not on anyones! Just haven't been in blog mode.

But I love you, and I want you to feel loved, so here I am. And I thought you might enjoy this handy, apropos little graphic:

Shannon said...

Wardrobe malfunction! That's my vote. And if 17 posts in November is taking time off, you're doing just fine, girl. It's all I can do to get 10 in a month!

Anonymous said...

Any and all would suffice. I wish I could have that many ideas. My brain matter quit bouncing off the walls, so to speak, quite some time ago and now lays in a grey heap at the base of my skull. It's tragic. Don't become like me, blog and blog some more. You'd be missed if you stopped!

Gabrielle Davis said...

I really love reading your blog and seeing what your family is up to. I especially like how you tell life as it really is. Keep it up!

GinaJ said...

So, for reals (no Z, tyvm), I'm impressed that you blog as much as you do.

Emma said...

I always feel like I'm behind on blogging. Then I forget what I wanted to say, and then my post rambles on and on. I always get a kick out of reading your blog. Sometimes I can totally relate, and other times I am just amazed at everything that goes on with that family of yours!

pass it on!

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