
Jul 21, 2012


A few numerical values to share since my last post:

Loads of laundry sorted, washed, dried, and put away: 7

Dinners cooked by me: 2

Dinners cooked by me that children refused to eat: 2

Yards of piping sewn: 10

Couch upholstery pieces cut out: 31

Of that number, pieces erroneously cut out and then cut again: 4

Cushion covers sewn: 3

Pillow covers sewn: 6

Phone calls fielded from well-meaning but troublesome neighbor: 2

Neighbor children who declared my children as unfit playmates: 3

Piano pieces I am rehearsing for church musical numbers: 4

Christmas piano pieces I am trying to revive just for kicks: 1

Hours of babysitting for which we paid: 10

Temple sealings for which Garry and I were proxy: 15

Dollars paid to Thursday night babysitter: 42

Jobs Tyler and Zachary earned (jointly) for being complete heathens during our absence on Thursday night: 42

Days of work training in Denver for Garry: 3

Miles traveled for said training: 300

Visits to medical professionals: 3

Minutes of massage therapy for a half-crazed mama: 60

Doses of antibiotic administered to Lexi for her UTI: 6

Invitations mailed for a bridal shower I'm hosting in two weeks: 28

Address I still need for bridal shower invitation: 1

Children invited to join the YMCA swim team: 2

Miles jogged by me: 6.8

Age, in months, of our youngest child: 11

Hours Garry has spent sawing and drilling in the garage: 6

Trips to the home improvement store: 2

Trips to Costco: 1

Persons who responded to text messages from me: 19

Facebook statuses/pictures/links posted by me (maybe I need to get a life): 19

Days until I'll have time for a real blog post: ?


granny said...

Very entertaining numbers. Are they joining the swim team? That rocks. I am a fan .

Emma said...

Love the numbers! You are quite the busy family!

Melanie said...

Just a few things on your plate, Missy! I'm glad you didn't include 'Number of minds lost...'

It's been quite a week! Hang on!

Kerri Andersen said...

REALLY appreciate the bridal shower stat! you are so kind to do that when you have so many other things to do! thanks so much...ill work on getting my friend's address :)

Rob and Marseille said...

i thought we were friends on fb...why didnt i even see 1 of those posts?!

pass it on!

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