
Mar 28, 2013

Not a Box

At his "child-led" parent-teacher conference last week, Gavin showed us his "not-a-box." His class had enjoyed listening to the book, Not a Box, which is about a rabbit who creates a robot and a pirate ship and a race car out of a simple cardboard box.  When asked to use his own imagination with a box, Gavin made a rocket ship.  As he proudly showed us his work of art, I decided to forget that he completely ruined a new shirt while painting it.

Here is a video tour of Gavin's not-a-box.  He, of course, is the tour guide.  I wonder if he will design real rocket ships someday....


Unknown said...

He's quite the engineer.

Colleen said...

I love Gaivn's Not a Box! That was one of my favorite preschool creative activities that Luke did.

pass it on!

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