I spend most of my time with my small people. The exceptions are my own medical appointments, visiting teaching, two hours on Sundays while they are in class, Cantata practice, and, of course, after they go to bed. When they are bed, however, I am often so exhausted that...well, you get the picture.
Bottom line: it's no surprise I have lots of goofy pictures and stories about my small people.
We have a new ritual at our house. On the way home from school/errands/whatever, I stop at the bottom of our street, let Gavin and Lexi out of the van, and watch them run to the house. On this day Gavin ran in bare feet. Outside temp: about 40 degrees.
This actually has nothing to do with small people, but it's funny. Garry keeps a half gallon of milk at work, but he brought it home to help us get through our emergency preparedness week. I laughed out loud when I saw his initials on the milk. Does this remind anyone of college?

No, she's not praying. She's just taking her daily nap in the car. In her pajamas. Atop the booster seat whose cover she steadfastly refuses to use.
Kate has figured out how to reach light switches, and she is fascinated. She employs similar tactics in the kitchen; today I found her using the microwave because she had pushed her high chair to the stove so she could stand on the oven.
In other climbing news, this is one of Kate's favorite activities: buckling and unbuckling the high chair straps over and over and over. This can lead to nothing good.
Last Friday while Garry was skiing and I was at a church meeting, I left the Littles with a babysitter. While my #2 pet peeve is paying a sitter to attend church meetings, I was pleased to receive a glowing report when I returned. So Gavin got ice cream. Lexi got put on Santa's naughty list, so I guess her report was less glowing, but it was better than last time.
On Saturday the weather was lovely, so we went to the neighborhood park and played on toys even though there was snow packed all around the play area.

One night I suggested we read books before bed, and Gavin and Lexi ran to the cabinet for the BOB books, which Gavin read aloud. Sweet.
And this is what happens when I ask Gavin to vacuum the rug.
Life with the Littles is never, ever boring.
I laughed all the way through this! Especially the vacuum part. I had my 3 yr. old vacuum up popcorn the other day. In between all of the experiments with suction and actually taking care of the popcorn mess, it took him about 30 minutes. Happily busy preschooler (who did it himself) and clean floor is certainly a win-win around here.
Kudos to you for going to a church meeting where you had to get a babysitter, I often skip those if I'm going to have to pay someone! I have to know what your #1 pet peeve is.
I relate to many things expressed in this post. I like that you took a picture of your sweeping pile. I think at our house, it would be similar, except there would be shoes and socks in the mix instead of the fruit snacks wrappers. I don't shower when my children are awake, because I know bad things happen. (They can barely make it through one of my bathroom breaks without calling for me...)
8am must have felt blissfully lazy compared to 5am! It will be nice when Zach is just at the middle school next year. Until he needs to go to the high school for math, that is! :) Life with little people is never lacking for entertainment!
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