
Jun 13, 2013

Lexi's last days of preschool

Lexi finished preschool on May 23.  Just like the boys, she had a number of year-end adventures.  One was the Bear Creek Nature Center debacle.  Another less traumatizing event was a Mother's Day brunch, where the kids sang little songs and Miss Rachel shared surveys the kids had filled out.  Lexi cried through the song portion, but everyone laughed at her survey answers, so we'll go with that.  I'll share the best ones.

What is your mom really good at?  Doing letters.

What do you love most about your mom?  When she does my nails.

If you could buy your mom anything, what would it be?  Trips.

What does your mom do while you're at school?  Go to the Y.

My mom likes to go to the store and buy broccoli.

She is really good at writing.

My mom is special because she likes to go to the mailbox.

My mom is as pretty as a butterfly, sweet as a heart, smart as writing, and as special as resting!
Lexi did a couple of art projects at home that I'd like to preserve.  She also wrote her name on a school paper.  We really need to work on that this summer.

On the last day of school, the kids met in the park for snacks and a scavenger hunt.  The only problem: It was 40 degrees and raining (on May 23)!  Miss Rachel led the kids in a quick scavenger hunt, and then we ate snacks at her house.  Lexi was happy to get a picture of her little friends before the day was done.  Every child in Lexi's class is coming back in the fall, which will be really fun for her.  

Hooray for Little Miss finishing her first year of school!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Go Lexi!! You'd think she was a mom already when you see that she thinks "resting" is a special thing!

pass it on!

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