It's not a big secret that the cooking arm of my domestic responsibility is usually broken (or at best, in a sling). I was taught well; I know how to cook, make a balanced meal, and present it well. I just don't enjoy it, and I especially dislike the relentless nature of the chore. I have to make dinner every day, for crying out loud! I dread coming up with a workable menu, someone at the table is inevitably unhappy, the dishes never clean themselves, and then there's the whole issue of grocery shopping, which is perhaps the worst part of the entire charade.
Why don't I like grocery shopping? Aside from the spectacle that always accompanies my entourage of boys, the whole task is just overwhelming to me. I have to go with a list in hand, or else I buy junk and the wrong stuff and not enough raw ingredients to throw meals together. But making the list is a huge stumbling block, because I have to have a menu to make a list, and filling out empty squares on a calendar with balanced, yet easy, yet appealing meals is just a ridiculous thing to ask of my muddled brain. Then, once within the walls of WinCo (or Albertson's, if I'm a wimp), the towers of canned goods and vast arrays of colorful produce and rows upon rows of non-perishables scream "BUY ME...but you know I'll rot in your veggie drawer or grow stale on your shelves or hide in your pantry while your family subsists on cold cereal, homemade burritos, and peanut butter sandwiches!" {Insert imagined evil cackle coming from the bulk foods section.}
Today, almost entirely because I had to be out of the house for a showing but partly because the last milk jug is only half-full, I took a huge almighty breath and went grocery shopping. It took nearly a week of hard thinkin' to plan not one but FIVE weeks of meals on an Excel spreadsheet. Then I painstakingly made a grocery list for one of the weeks, which subsequently sat in a drawer for several days. But today I pulled it out and off we went.
Surprisingly, we survived. But then, after the groceries sat in the van for an hour while we (1) shuttled a friend to the MAX and back (planned); (2) sat at Jennifer's house during an impromptu second showing(not planned); and (3) picked Zachary up from school (necessary), I lost my enthusiasm for groceries. It was all I could do to put the perishables in the fridge and freezer. This activity dredged up another reason I detest grocery shopping: putting all the food away reminds me that I have to wash/chop/cook/present it in the form of a meal for my family. UGH.
So I took a break. After setting up the boys with an applesauce snack, I abandoned this.... email my Realtor with contact information for the agents who showed our house today. (And, of course, to check out some updated blogs, some new listings in Colorado Springs, etc.) After 15 minutes or so, I went back downstairs to find this (just purchased today)...
...and this. Note: this pasta bowl is about 8 inches wide.

That was about it. My frazzled brain needed to check out. Since Gavin was slumbering...
...I parked the boys in front of (scoring some "cool Mom/slacker Mom" points in the process)...
...and parked myself in front of this, my favorite re-run series.

Sleeping baby+occupied boys+Gilmore girls=Happy Heidi. Now that's a recipe I don't mind making.
Why don't I like grocery shopping? Aside from the spectacle that always accompanies my entourage of boys, the whole task is just overwhelming to me. I have to go with a list in hand, or else I buy junk and the wrong stuff and not enough raw ingredients to throw meals together. But making the list is a huge stumbling block, because I have to have a menu to make a list, and filling out empty squares on a calendar with balanced, yet easy, yet appealing meals is just a ridiculous thing to ask of my muddled brain. Then, once within the walls of WinCo (or Albertson's, if I'm a wimp), the towers of canned goods and vast arrays of colorful produce and rows upon rows of non-perishables scream "BUY ME...but you know I'll rot in your veggie drawer or grow stale on your shelves or hide in your pantry while your family subsists on cold cereal, homemade burritos, and peanut butter sandwiches!" {Insert imagined evil cackle coming from the bulk foods section.}
Today, almost entirely because I had to be out of the house for a showing but partly because the last milk jug is only half-full, I took a huge almighty breath and went grocery shopping. It took nearly a week of hard thinkin' to plan not one but FIVE weeks of meals on an Excel spreadsheet. Then I painstakingly made a grocery list for one of the weeks, which subsequently sat in a drawer for several days. But today I pulled it out and off we went.
Surprisingly, we survived. But then, after the groceries sat in the van for an hour while we (1) shuttled a friend to the MAX and back (planned); (2) sat at Jennifer's house during an impromptu second showing(not planned); and (3) picked Zachary up from school (necessary), I lost my enthusiasm for groceries. It was all I could do to put the perishables in the fridge and freezer. This activity dredged up another reason I detest grocery shopping: putting all the food away reminds me that I have to wash/chop/cook/present it in the form of a meal for my family. UGH.
So I took a break. After setting up the boys with an applesauce snack, I abandoned this.... email my Realtor with contact information for the agents who showed our house today. (And, of course, to check out some updated blogs, some new listings in Colorado Springs, etc.) After 15 minutes or so, I went back downstairs to find this (just purchased today)...

That was about it. My frazzled brain needed to check out. Since Gavin was slumbering...

Sleeping baby+occupied boys+Gilmore girls=Happy Heidi. Now that's a recipe I don't mind making.
I just love your writing! And I share your dislike of grocery shopping.
Now, please go tell your boys that Gramps misses and loves them, hug Garry, and give yourself a pat on the back for being a wonderful mother!
I think what you did is AWESOME! I stopped making dinner all together last summer when I was working full-time. I liked the freedom so much I have not looked back. I still cook occasionally, and it not only saves money, but my sanity too. I don't suggest you do what I do, but I think it is great! Who needs convention?
Cooking and planning meals is about the only chore I do enjoy. Everything else is drudgery while preparing a meal is my chance to be creative. I'm a crazed sale shopper too, hunting down deals like I'm on safari or something.
Can we trade? You clean my house and I'll cook for both our families? Sound good?
Ha, I am so with you! I do okay if I make a meal plan, which I have been better about lately (I've been sort of unintentionally taking the one week on, one week off approach). I can't imagine doing a meal plan for 5 weeks in advance because then it would be even *more* painfully obviously that I just don't make that many things! Yikes. Can't have everyone knowing my dirty little secret, now, can we?
Add to this certain food snob and health conscious tendencies that render coupons and sales largely's a little depressing.
I so relate to that! especially the gilmore girls :)
I found a great service/cookbook. Easy/Yummy/Heathy meals are planned out for you and they do the shopping list too. (wish I thought of it to make us our first million) It's at There's a free week so you can try it out.
Wow...compliments, tips, moral support, and an offer to be my personal chef! You guys are great!
I'm still convinced there cannot be meals in heaven or why would we want to go there? Here's to Cafe Rio's Taco Tuesday...that is where we ate last night. $1 tacos baby.
I also recommend the book "Saving Dinner." It gives you 8 weeks of healthy menus for each season of the year, suggestions for side dishes, and a shopping list for your meals! I've also seen another like that--and I can't remember what it's called at the moment--but it's for families with young kids. Definitely worth checking out!
Just one question. Can I have your excel spreadsheet? Haha. It's nice to hear someone dislikes this neverending chore as much as I do.
You are amazing! Five rock!
I miss G&G...sniff, sniff.
Do you enjoy baking? Because you are WAY better at getting it done than I am.
Surviving any grocery trip with kids is a sign of your courage & valor.
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