Since starting the blog I haven't been as faithful in recording the little details about each of my kids. But I'm trying to be better. Here is the journaling I will include in Gavin's scrapbook about his fourth month:
Physical traits: This month you started wearing 6-9 month size clothes, and you really started looking like a little person instead of a baby. Your arms and neck were getting so strong, and toward the end of the month tummy time started to be pretty fun. You also drooled like crazy and loved sucking on your fists, fingers, and pacifier. You rolled over for the first time (tummy to back) on March 9. We still had to encourage you, and many times rolling over seemed like it happened by accident, but it was still fun to watch.
Little things I’ve noticed: You began to fall into a nice routine of sleeping, eating, and waking. You were learning to fall asleep on your own, take two or three naps, and rest for longer stretches at night (unless rowdy big brothers woke you up). Hooray! We discovered that you were a ticklish little boy – especially on the sides of your neck. Oh, how we loved to make you laugh! In general you were an extremely laid back and happy kid.
My favorite moments: Since returning from our trip to Mesa, I had been bathing you in the bathroom sink because it was so convenient. You barely fit in the sink, though, so during March you got your first bath in the big tub. At first you weren’t quite sure what to think, but the nighttime bath ritual soon became a favorite part of the day. You squealed and splashed and had the best time! Wrapping you up in your yellow ducky towel made you look awfully cute, too.
Stuff I've learned about you: This month you began to interact more with the world around you. You learned how to grasp onto objects like toys, blankets, and my hair, and you like to bat at toys that dangled in front of you. If we had the TV on, you would crane your neck around to see what was happening. I was thrilled to discover that your little digestive system developed enough to tolerate beans, peppers, and taco seasoning. I appreciated your flexibility and willingness to take a bottle each Monday during piano lessons and occasionally in the evening so I could go out.
Highlights: Your Oregon adventures continued with a trip to the zoo, the beach, OMSI (a science museum), and more parks. You were so content to ride in the stroller or in a wrap. This month you got another haircut! Your hair grew so fast – what fun. Granny sent you an adorable, handmade blanket and matching beanie. Your first Easter was March 23. You were oblivious to the festivities, but extremely cute during a photo shoot with your brothers. It was on Easter Sunday 2007 that Dad and I found out you were on the way. What a difference a year makes!
Well Gavin is certainly growing and getting cuter and cuter everyday. I can't wait to see and hold him again. He's a smiley little guy. Wow how he's growing. He's the bright spot of my day.
Slow down Gavin...you are getting too cute....I can barely stand it!!!
You better sleep w/ one eye open Heidi...I might catch the red eye & steal 'im. {that was a joke, sort of.}
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