Heidi: Hi honey, what's up? You almost there?
Garry: Yep, just a few miles from Hood River [which means 70 miles from home -- about 2/3 of the way to Mt. Hood]. But I have a problem.
Heidi: What?
Garry: I forgot my coat.
Heidi: WHAT?
That's right...no coat for a snow trip. No coat! I was just sick about it. How did we manage that? I urged Garry to stop somewhere and buy one -- or at least a sweatshirt -- but there didn't seem to be a place to do that. So we ended the conversation, both thinking that this snow trip would most likely be cut very short because of one very freezing father.
Fortunately, that didn't happen! The sun was shining at Little John Sno-Park today, and everyone had an absolute blast.

Apparently Tyler and Zachary were fearless on the sledding hill and had lots of energy for trudging up the hill again and again. An LDS youth group from Oregon City was also there, and the teenagers cheered on the boys as they flew down the mountain (and when they crashed and burned on occasion). The boys' snow gear kept them warm and dry, so they just focused on the fun.
Garry, meanwhile, was bundled in boots and ski pants, gloves up to his elbows, a scarf, and a hat. His arms only got cold a couple of times when he wiped out in the snow. Daddy wasn't miserable after all, so the boys got to stay as long as the fun lasted.

Tyler said, "I was REALLY brave. When I was sliding down Mt. Hood Hill, snow got all over my whole entire face like I was a snow monster. The time when I went really far all the way down Mt. Hood Hill and all the way up the other side of that flat snow...that was my favorite."
Zachary said, "One time we were throwing snow at the trees -- we were winning!" He also told me about all the different positions he used to sled down the mountain and about the amazing scenery he saw on the way home. He was enthralled with the size of the Columbia River, the snow drifts on the sides of the highway, and the waterfalls in the gorge. He thought it was fun to buy snacks at the gas station and have Dad carry him and Tyler back to the car through a huge rainstorm.
I have to admit, I'm a little sad that I missed out on such a fun experience. But I love knowing that the boys made such awesome memories with Garry -- memories that they will cherish for years to come.
Thanks for the post. I was dying to hear how the coat-less Mt. Hood experience unfolded. Thank heaven for sunshine and a great dad. Sounds so fun.
I wondered how the day would turn out. I know Garry has thick blood but I was hoping for a beautiful day. I'm so glad that they all had fun. Those are definately memory making days.
Hooray for Dads and boys! Sounds like great fun.
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