Garry and I have decided to move to Mesa, Arizona to live near our families. My parents and five siblings live right there in the city, and most of Garry's family will be just six hours away. This move has been a long time coming (although if you talk to my mother, she'd tell you she never expected it would actually happen). I am unbelievably excited that the time is finally right.

However, I have had lots of other thoughts, like:
"Didn't we just move?"
"I really love Colorado Springs!"
"I will miss so many dear people!"
"Is it possible to find another fantastic ward?"
"How on earth will I manage selling my house in the midst of my regular life?"
"I really love Colorado Springs!"
"I will miss so many dear people!"
"Is it possible to find another fantastic ward?"
"How on earth will I manage selling my house in the midst of my regular life?"
But since I firmly believe that our decision to move came from God, I will just trust that He will all the right ways.
We had planned to keep our news secret for a while, maybe so we could adjust to the idea, or put off telling the kids, or for some other worthy or noble reason. Mostly we just don't have answers for any of the important questions (job, timeline, house, etc.), so I was hesitant about having the world know about our crazy plans. But we did have discreet conversations with a few house-renting friends about the possibility of buying our house (with the caveat that they please not tell anyone). Somehow our news made it to the ears of our Bishop, who asked Garry to confirm a rumor on Sunday. Garry confirmed, and we told the kids.
With the word being out things suddenly became rather official. I decided to hunker down and start preparing the house to sell. Today I tackled closets. In general I feel good about the level of organization and cleanliness at my house, but the house being functionally acceptable for daily life is entirely different than being presentable for public scrutiny.
I started in Tyler's room. I felt his closet was something I could conquer in a reasonable amount of time, and it had lots of toys available for busy babies underfoot. I hadn't been working 30 seconds when the first surprise hit me in the face: a pair of size 6 poopy underwear, stuck to the wall above the top shelf. Nestled as it was amongst a pile of clothing to be sorted for size and season, I hadn't noticed this particular article for -- how long had it been? -- maybe six months. After the initial shock wore off (and I had disposed of the underwear in the nearest trash receptacle), I resumed my closet-cleaning duties. Before I was finished, I had unearthed no fewer than three pairs of poop-stained underwear from that closet shelf. It was completely horrifying. Suddenly I felt less satisfied with the level of cleanliness and organization at my house.

Later in the afternoon I scooped clothing from the top shelf of my own closet. As I stood on a stool and removed the box labeled "skinny clothes," I noticed two things that I had never seen before: a photograph and a small tape recorder. Are you intrigued? I sure was. I didn't recognize the people in the photo (a dapper Marine and a beautiful blonde in a formal), and the tape recorder wasn't ours. Curious, I pushed the play button.
It took a few minutes to understand what I was hearing, but after a while the setting became clear. I was listening to a woman who had recorded her own phone conversation with her estranged or maybe ex-husband, and they were arguing about the custody of their children! He wanted more time with them, and she wouldn't allow it. I stopped listening to the tape when she described evidence of his extramarital affair. I think the picture and the tape should follow the poopy underwear to the trash can!
I wonder what treasures I will find as I prepare other rooms of my house for showing. I'm pretty sure nothing will beat today's discoveries!
Wow! that could be the beginning of movie/TV show. Funny. Good luck in your adventure to move again. It will be fun to see you guys more often.
That's quite the find. I only wonder what more you will encounter. I'm excited for you and your family.
I think you are just excited for no more COLD Colorado winters!!
Wow! Very interesting "treasures" you found today. I think you should post the picture and tape on YouTube and see if you have any takers. He he!
yay! we'll be neighbors! woot!
Your finds sure made for some exciting getting the house ready to sell ritual. I hope this is a smoothe tranisition for you and your family.
This post is hysterical! Poopy underwear! Recorded custody battles! What next?
Good luck selling your house. I want any and all gory details that you feel like sharing. I'm so exited for you!
Oh, I so understand you finding disgusting treasures in the boy's closet. Happens to me every week.
Hope you don't encounter any other random items in your clearing out!
NO!!! You can't move!! We haven't come to visit yet!!! Oh well, good luck with everything!
Wow! What a post -full of surprises! Thanks for sharing the undies story. If Heidi Bartle (the epitome of order and cleanliness) can find such things in her house, it strangely makes me feel a little better about my own. We are excited for your new chapter in Arizona. How happy to be closer to family and warmer in the winter. Good luck with everything!
I'd love to hear the answers when you have them! (job, etc.)
interesting discoveries!
I am glad you will finally be with family. speaking of moving we are too and I was wondering if you share your thoughts on your old realtor from here. I heard that the Johnsons used her and the Hoffmans who both sold rather quickly. Did you like her and would you recommend her? Thanks, I am glad for the blogging thing and the ability to keep up with your family. enjoy packing.
How crazy about the tape recorder! What a find.
I hope all goes well with selling the house, finding a job, ect. I am sure it will all work out well for you guys. It will be so great to live by family. I have that dream someday for us as well.
FYI..I am not the culprit who told the Bishop or anyone else. I wasn't even in town, so I am safe. ;)
That is classic! Hopefully, the rest of what you unearth as you organize will be a little less...surprising! :)
YEAH!! I am excited that maybe now we can see each other...just not every so many years! YEAH!!!!
p.s. crazy treasures in the closet!
Moving again? You guys keeping moving and bouncing in a big circle around where you really should move to, Moapa Valley. God's Country.
Good luck on your move Heidi. We are all to familiar with moving and have actually moved shortly after having each one of our children. I'm due in March so that means we're about due for a move in early Summer. I'm going to go check my closet shelf to see what may be up there:-)
That is a good lesson in not leaving old tapes and pictures (or anything) when you move. How bizarre. I thought it was weird when I found an old, empty wallet in the cupboard when we moved here. Haha.
Treasures... Wow...
Oh my goodness! Poopy underwear and crazy had a much more interesting day than me! I'm feeling for you in the moving department. This was our worst move ever and we had family around who didn't actually pitch in like I thought they would (to their credit there were so many things going on it just wasn't in the cards and the fact that Wyatt wouldn't take a bottle put a cramp in things). Anyway, good luck with your new adventure. Dan and I are already making the decision on what he should do next - man it's a tough decision - I hope we're as inspired as you have been.
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