- My dancing
- Going to Mt. Hood
- Coloring
- Tomato soup
- Lunch
Tyler definitely has a dancing gene, although we are not sure from whose gene pool it sprung. He can bust a move wherever and whenever he's feeling groovy, whether it's the aisles of Target, his car seat, or his Primary class. Today's episode of Tyler TV happened in the front room. I have posted it below for your viewing pleasure.
I have made an effort lately to have more quality time with Tyler. In my quest to build our relationship/save my sanity with this child, we have enjoyed some nice coloring time, story time, marble run time, and silly time. Tyler really loves stories, and could listen to silly Dr. Seuss tales for hours on end. In spite of the "good-Mom" vibe this gives me, Tyler is equally content to watch television all day and constantly begs for "one more show." It's hard not to give in sometimes.
Since our implementation of 1-2-3 Magic, Tyler has fallen into the category of children who immediately test their parents. His tendencies for destructive and aggressive behavior have multiplied, and he also started having frequent potty accidents and being mean to Gavin. Oh, the joys of parenting! We have stuck to our guns and are finally noticing a bit of improvement. This week we began some positive-reinforcement charts that seem to have captured Tyler's interest. He's excited about earning stickers that can translate into an ice-cream date with Mom or Dad. He wasn't excited enough on Wednesday to be cooperative with socks and shoes, brushing his teeth, helping with chores, or being potty-accident free (his areas of focus), but he did better today.

I also really enjoyed the artistic rendering of Garry that Tyler produced during Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. The purple splotch is Garry's goatee. The yellow mass over to the side is me, according to Tyler. I think he started drawing me and ran out of creative energy. Or maybe I emanate so much warmth and happiness he could only think to color me yellow. The message he wrote (completely on his own, I might add) definitely melted my heart.

Love you back, babe! Even on no-sticker days.
I couldn't make the video work on my computer (not unusual...I think I need an update on something) but I can see him in my mind rockin' out. Haha. I miss his little voice. Here's to sticker filled charts!
"Even on no sticker days"....haha lol.
The charts make my heart happy. And so does Garry's sweet colorful gotee! So cute...I miss you Ty. Come make cooks & play @ the park w/ Mr. Miyagi soon, k?
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