It all started at 6:00 a.m. when Zachary woke us up and asked if he could hunt for Easter eggs. We had to tell him that the Easter Bunny didn't hide eggs; he just hid baskets this year. Zach was a little disappointed, probably because he remembered the rockin' cousin egg hunt of '07, but he recovered quickly. Then, once downstairs (at the more reasonable hour of 7:00), he found his basket in the first place he looked. Tyler followed suit, and the boys enjoyed their spoils for quite a while.

Later in the day we colored hard-boiled eggs, but only because Zach and Tyler remembered that was an option. Man, the Easter Bunny was L-A-Z-Y this year!!

We had to get at least one pictures of the boys in their coordinating outfits that were so hard to find. Family pictures get harder the more kids we add, but we got this group shot and a few individuals that we like.

Tyler gave an excellent talk about the true meaning of Easter in Primary this afternoon. He was confident and articulate and had most of the talk memorized! We were very proud of him. We did a test run for the video camera last night. It isn't stellar, but you'll get the idea. Happy Easter!
What a marvelous talk you gave about Easter. We loved it!!! You know the story well. We're very proud of you giving your first talk in primary. When grandma was in primary today she heard another little boy give a talk about Easter and she thought about you giving yours in your primary. I wish that I could have heard you.
What adorable pictures of the boys. It's not hard to tell they are brothers. We would love to have some pictures for our house. We always want to show them off to others. Sounds like Easter was a great day all around. Love you lots.
Believe it or not, your Easter bunny was much more impressive than ours this year. We didn't decorate, we didn't hunt eggs, we didn't have any type of Easter baskets for anyone. I read about all that is going on in your life, what an insane set of parameters you have to deal with, and I'm so impressed with how much you do.
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