The boys were late for school.
Then there was the Oreo Incident.
I stepped in the shower to find that my leather sandals were also bathing. (Thanks, Lex.)
I blogged too much.The Littles escaped.
We went to playgroup at the park (mostly a disaster).
Then I climbed through this window because I left my keys at the park.

Then early naps for the Littles and a healing phone call for me.
I attempted to make peanut butter play dough, but the end result was anything but malleable. Hmph.
So I started to clean out the garage, and found a quart of spilled (but dried) paint. I discovered it peels right off of cement. Score. That corner is more organized now.

I picked up the boys from school in pouring rain and drove to the scout store for Bear supplies. We dropped off junk at Goodwill on the way home and the kids enjoyed free Tootsie Pops.
The boys set up the electronic keyboard (I'd really like to sell this beast). We have a grand piano that is rarely touched, but hey -- the keyboard has demo songs.

Garry came home at five, and then Tyler and I went to Kohl's for new shoes and Michael's for supplies to decorate his bag for music class. The impulse purchase of the night was Silly Bandz.
My visiting teaching appointment was canceled because the lady we visit is sick. I wasn't feeling so hot myself, so that was OK. I ate dinner with the family instead.
When I got Gavin ready for bed, he hugged me and said, "You're the best Mom ever." And then he put my pajama pants on his head.
Lexi trotted around in a Batman mask.

Then we all read 2 Nephi 25 and the kids went to bed. I plan to follow very soon.
The end.
Hope your sleep is restorative and that tomorrow will be a tad easier!
what a sweet comment from Gavin! That is definitely not what I usually hear at bedtime!
Oh gosh, if you have any Oreos left then I'd say see if you can fit a couple in before bed! :)
Silly Bandz--love it! I too have a picture of my Lily in the Batman mask. Lexi looks awesome in it, too!
Man, you are such an amazing blogger! I love that you can make me actually feel like I am right there in your house! What a talent! Of course, now I need a nap!!! He he
Keep blogging, you are simply wonderful!
Love ya,
So silly bandz are in Colorado too huh? I thought it was a Utah thing. Those things are great. Mary LOVES them. I hope your past few days have been better. Go get yourself a bag of the cool Halloween Oreos.
...a day in the life... You do a great job of capturing the highs and the lows! Thanks for your efforts! What a great family! What a great Mom!
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